I'll always fight for you.. {Spain X Reader}

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(A/N): Good luck for this first chapter, KangHeeEun


You and Antonio were traveling together again because you and him are allies, not just allies. In a relationship to be exact.
You were staring at him again, oh, how his eyes glimmered at the sun light, his tan skin so smooth, his beautiful brown hair and, that smile.. oh, that just did it. You smiled at him and he seem to notice and he hugged you. "How are you doing, Chica?" He asked and you giggled "I'm fine!" You said and he smiled, oh, how cute he is with those dimples of his and you were quite jealous because you didn't had one (Well, if you do pretend that you don't).


You reach back Spain and you were happy but.. there was a surprise. England and his ships and crews were there ready to attack. Spain and you weren't ready but you had to fight in order to be in peace and then you three had war. Two against one wasn't good enough. England was stronger and he eventually won over Spain. There he was pointing a sword on Antonio's neck. Then, Arthur spoke, "You will give me (C/N){country name}) and she will become my colony or you will die." He finished. Antonio didn't want to give up just yet. And so, he pretended that he agreed but once he stood up, he grabbed his sword and started another sword fight with Arthur.

~After a long sword fight~

Spain and England were breathing heavily, obviously tired from the sword fight. And you, well, lets just say Antonio didn't let you fight and hid you instead. You got tired of hiding and eventually showed up and Spain looked at you but then, Arthur room this chance to kill him. "(Y/N)!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE-" his words got cut off because of the deep stab on his chest by Arthur and you gasped.. you ran towards him and hugged him tightly. "A-ANTONIO!! N-NO!!" you cried on his shoulder while he, feeling weak, he weakly hugged you back and is slowly dying but, his last words were the only thing you heard. "(Y/N)...I-I love..y-you.. s-so much...I-I wish I-I could stay longer with you...I-I wanted to give you t-this..." he gave you a small box and has an engagement ring in it and you cried even more. "P-please, k-keep our love s-safe,...p-please...n-never....f-forget...me....." and with that, he died. You had nothing to do but hug his corpse and the ring.. "I-I p-promise..." you finished. And then England left with you and Spain's dying country.

"I love you, Chica! Don't ever forget about me!"

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