chapter 1

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Dinah's POV

I wake up to the sound of Beyonce blaring throughout the room I groan and turn over to turn off my alarm. "Ugh another day of school" I thought to myself
I got up quickly and brushed my teeth and hair and rushed to put on my black ripped skinny jeans and a black and gold crop top with my black and gold Jordan's
I ran down stairs to the kitchen to see my mother sitting at the stove cooking breakfast "hey mom" I said causing her to jump slightly "oh hey honey you scared me half to death" she said dramatically holding her chest
I laughed and said "mom I gotta go I don't want to be late again"
I grabbed an apple,my bag,and my keys and headed to the door"bye mom" I said"bye honey" and with that I was on my way
~skip drive~
I pulled up at school 10mins. early so I plugged my aux cord to my phone and blasted a little Beyoncé until it was time to head in the building I must have forgot to set an alarm because I had 3mins. Before i had to get to class "oh shit" I sprinted through the halls not paying attention to where I was going *bam* I slam into someone I look up to see the most beautiful girl I've ever seen she looked lost and very nervous "I'm so sorry I-I.." I cut her off "it's okay if anything I should be the one apologizing" I smiled
She looked new here maybe I could help her "so...are you new here" she looked at me and nodded "yes I just moved here from Texas"I looked at her and smiled "nice to meet you..." "Normani and nice to meet you to..." "Dinah Jane but you can call me Dinah" she smiled "okay Dinah" "hey can I see your schedule real quick" I asked hopefully she nodded and handed it to me "sweet we have every class together so I guess I'll walk you to class then" I asked
She nodded and we start walking to class "so far this is the best Monday ever" I thought to myself

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