Chapter 5

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Shayla's p.o.v

"Hey Shay" I hear Scarlett say.

"Yeah?" I reply as she walks up over to where I'm looking over my lines for the next scene.

"How come you didn't tell us it's your birthday tomorrow?" she asks and I immediately stop what I'm doing and look up at her.

"How did you-" I start but stop when I see my phone in her hand.

"You left your phone in hair and make-up and, on my way over here to give it to you, it buzzed! So I looked at it and on it was a notification that said your birthday was tomorrow" She says.

"Oh. I uh, I didn't think it was a big deal." I reply then go back to reading my lines.

"What do you mean not a big deal? It's your birthday!" She says, looking confused. And I roll my eyes.

"Yeah but we have a huge day of filming tomorrow." I point out and it's true tomorrow we are filming a big scene where we are all sitting around discussing what were going to do with Loki who is sitting in handcuffs in front of us. It's a pretty big deal as it's the first time all the cast has gotten together for a shoot this movie.

"So! That doesn't mean you shouldn't celebrate your birthday!" She exclaims, I sigh and look her in the eye.

"Please don't go telling everyone Scar, tomorrows a big enough day as it is." She rolls her eyes and I give her a look.

"Fine" She says, finally giving in. I smile at her then go back to reading my script.


"BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!" I look up at my clock and see that it's only 4:30am. What on earth? Why is my alarm set for this ungodly hour! I'm about to go back to sleep when I remember its Friday, the day where I have to do gymnastics and fight choreography training. In the movie there are some fight scenes and there's also a couple of scenes where Hela aka me has to do some very flexible gymnasticy stuff (yes that is a word... now). So now I have the pleasure of getting up at 4:30am every Monday, Wednesday and Friday to train for 2 hours before showering, getting my costume on, going to hair and makeup then continuing on with filming as normal. Yay.

Groaning I get out of bed before quickly getting dressed in some warm workout clothes then heading out to the kitchen. As I'm making myself a smoothie Layla comes out in her PJ's with her hands behind her back. What on earth is she doing? I give her a weird look as she walks over to me with her hands still behind her back.

"Happy birthday!" she screams while shoving a present in my face. Then it clicked! Today was my birthday! I immediately started grinning and unwrapping the present.

"I love it, I love it, I love it!"  I exclaim while hugging her. She had gotten me the jumper I had been asking for forever. It was a black hoodie that said 'I am SHER-LOCKED' on it.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I shout while hugging her. Again. "It's ok, now go finished getting ready!" she says with a smile on her face.


"Hey Shayla!" I hear someone shout as I walk onto set after getting my hair and makeup done. I look around and see Tom fully dressed in his Loki gear.

"Sup Loki" I say in my Kińńa voice as I make my way over to him while looking at Scarlett suspiciously and Tom chuckles.

"Well my dear, I was thinking of doing some earth conquering." He replies in his Loki voice, which sends us both laughing hysterically. We finish laughing and I wipe my eyes.

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