Hate That I Love You

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Im going to change who Alexis and Alisha are In the story, so be sure to check out the new cast.


I woke up this morning a tad bit nervous, today was my first day at my new job and I wasn't quite sure what to wear.I mean this is a styling job, so should I wear something professional or what?Ugh. I guess I'll find out when I get there.I rummaged through my closet until my most comfortablest outfit came into view.I guess I'll be wearing this.(outfit in mm). I took a quick shower before putting on my clothes and going to the kitchen to make a fast meal.Cereal.I preferred cereal anyway,Its less struggle and I loveed Frosted Flakes!

I took a quick picture for Instagram, before grabbing my keys and making my way the car.How did I get to his house again?Well, not again because I was never at his house to begin with.I was over Dwayne's.Is that where he wanted me to meet him at? I pulled my phone out of the cup holder and punched in each number with frustration.Is it weird that I knew his number by heart when I just got it yesterday?It's not like I was studying it or anything,It's just a really easy number with the number 7 being repeated constantly."Hello" Tyga answered in a husky deep voice.I crossed my leg over the other before replying."Hey, this is Alexis.Where exactly was I supposed to meet you?You only told me a time." "I'll text you the address" He hung up before I could even respond.I don't have time for his fucked up attitude right now..I put the car in reverse and backed out of my drive-way just as I got and incoming text.I looked down at my phone and saw that it was the address from Tyga.I rolled my eyes before saving the address into my GPS.I blasted my Well Done mix tape and drove until I was in front of a nice size brick house.It had a huge fountain in the front of it and a circle drive-way.I turned my music down a couple notches before pulling up in the very back.I wouldn't want anybodies car in front of my million dollar fountain either.Well I'm assuming the house was around that prize.Total waste.I finally made it to the door and rang the bell twice.I could hear someone making their way to the door."Hey" I politely greeted Chyna, and a precious baby girl in her arms.I just loved kids.

Me and Honesty were just playing in whatever room this was,having a good time.She was such a happy baby that It was hard for me to not play with her.Honesty was Tyga's niece and now that Chyna pointed out that specific fact, I could indeed see the resemblance.She had brown slanted eyes with big pouty lips and a light complexion."Mmhrm" someone cleared their throat causing me to stop tickling Nesty.I made that nickname for her as soon as I found out her name but I wasn't sure if it would bother her or not so I didn't call her it. I looked back and saw Tyga standing in the door frame with a small smile on his face.I quickly stood up with Nesty in my arms and walked over to him."I'm sorry,she's just soo adorable" I gushed.He looked at me before holding out his arms and waiting for Honesty to lean into them. It shocked us both when she buried her head into my chest instead.He snatched her anyways and walked up the stairs somewhere.I glared at him while he walked up the stairs and even when he came back down seconds later."Do you know who I am Alexis?" I looked at him like he was dumb.Who didn't know who he was?"No I mean do you know me me" He said while pointing to himself.I could tell that my puzzled look was irritating him because he started backing me into the wall.He was making me uncomfortable"1991 senior year, you moved away.We all missed you.Me, Chris, Heather. You used to call me Mikey and I hated it, but I let you call me that because you were special!" With every word he spoke, he got closer.This couldn't be Michael Michael.Player, sexy Michael.Oh my gosh! This was sexy,player Michael.I used to lowkey call myself Mrs.Stevenson.I smiled at that."No,quit fucking smiling, you know how much pain me and Chris went through when y'all just left without a warning or even a phone call." Pictures from that night flashed into my head causing a few tears to slip out.No..No..NO! I never knew that they felt that way about us leaving."Im-I-Im sorry Michael but I have to go!" I tried to wipe my eyes but my vision got more and more blurry.I couldn't see where I was going and the fact that he was pulling me back was making it even more difficult for me to get away."You was my best friend Alexis, and you just dipped.How you thi-" "Whats going on?" Chyna asked interrupting Michael, and sparing me enough time to run out of the house.It's wasn't my fault, nor Alisha's that our dad got drunk and was aiming to kill.I couldn't say any of that though.It just wasn't the right place or time.I wonder how Christopher was doing though.He was my main best friend, I told him almost everything.I even called him that night but of course he didn't answer, but I squashed all of the hard feelings a while back.How could I not recognize them? Stupid, stupid! I repeated to myself as I sat at a red light.The light turned green and I zoomed off with out a care in the world.Tears still brimmed my eyes but I could see the road ahead. I needed to vent to someone and Alisha was at school still.I couldn't I just can't work that close to someone that I had such a detailed history with.Plus I'd have to tell him what was really going on in my household behind closed doors In order for them to know why we left.I hated this man,I just wanted to be in his embrace but I knew I couldn't be.I loved him, but I knew what kind of person he was so I never said anything.I also didn't want to jeopardize our friendship.Which was now that I think about it, another reason that I never told him how I really felt.I hate the feeling of rejection.

I need a job bad. What am I going to do? I pulled over and rested my head on the steering wheel, banging it occasionally.My buzzing phone knocking me out of my thoughts.

Unknown-You foul ass bitch, man I hate you. 2:15pm

I reread that about a million times, letting my tears splash onto the screen.I never knew how much I hurt him, but I was going through some shit too.

Me-You a selfish, bitch made nigga Michael.Fuck you. 2:20pm

Why the fuck am I crying over this nigga.He didn't know what the fuck happened to me when I just disappeared and the first time he sees me in five years, he cusses me out.Fuck him.! I angrily wiped my tears and started my car back up.The only thing that I need to be worried about is getting me another job.I made a U turn and sped to Lily's house.She always had newspapers with hiring jobs in it, and I'd be able to vent to her.

I pulled up in front of Lily's house in a total of five minutes when It's supposed to take fifteen.I looked in my rear view mirror to see my face, before hopping out of the car and walking to the door.She should be here but I used my key anyways.

I walked into the house and was greeted with the sweet smell of chocolate cake.I know she wasn't done with her dinner,so I couldn't get any food yet."Lily"I yelled out to her, she was most likely in the kitchen."Here I come bab-. Oh, honey whats wrong." Her face was scrunched up into a frown,so I know that she knew I was crying.She pulled me into a hug and rocked back and forth.It's moments like this when I wished I was still living in her house.She always knew how to calm me down.

She led me to the couch and sat down across from me.I immediately started pouring out my feeling and everything that happened these last twenty-four hours.She said nothing, only shook her head from time to time."That's when I left."I concluded, watching her face change into a unreadable expression.She gave me some really good advice, but mainly expressed how we would make up soon.If only she knew about the text messages that we just sent to one another.I didn't show her that because I knew that she would be disappointed in the words that we exchanged.She's more of a lover, me and Alisha were the complete opposite of that now. "Okay,so what are you going to do as for a job? You did say that you were supposed to work for him right?" "That's what I'm not sure about, I was wondering if you had any newspapers that I could rummaged through" I sniffled and took my head out of my hands for the second time today.She pulled a stack of newspapers out of a drawer and plopped them down in front of me.I noticed highlighted paragraphs,and brought my attention to them.Hmm, working at a bank doesn't sound too bad.I patted my pockets looking for my phone and realized that I left it in the car."I'll be right back." I said while getting up and walking to the car.My phone was in the cup holder blinking, meaning that I had a new text message.If it was from Michael, then I didn't even want to see it.All he gone do is make me mad again and I'm not trying to do all of that at my aunts house.I walked back into the house and plopped back onto the couch where I was recently sitting.I dialed in the number for the bank and waiting until I heard an male voice."Hello, welcome to Bank of Liberty, how may I assist you today?" he politely asked."Hey, I saw you guy's number in the newspaper and I was wondering if it was possible to get and application today." "Yes, but if you fill out you application today and want the answers today or anytime this week, then you'd have to do your background check and we need all of the information " "Okay, that's fine.When do you close today?" "We close everyday at 5:00" "Okay, thank you." Well I guess I know what else I'm doing today."Lily, I have to go to this bank, to fill out an application."

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