Love in London

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Hey everyone! This my first fan fiction (so excited!). If you like my story PLEASE read, vote, comment! Thank you so much!

Chapter 1:

Grace'a POV:

Ugh! I hate planes. Actually, come to think of it. I hate everything about what I'm doing right now. Crowds, small, tight places, and travel. I'm a little bit of a homebody, actually a lot of a bit. Oh, and I forgot to mention this, I especially hate British accents. By now I guess you've guessed it. Yep, I'm going to London for my junior year abroad.

But not on my own will.

"Oh my god G!" There's your culprit.

She's why I'm doing this.

"Well jolly good morning to you too!" Lizzie exclaims in her horrible British accent. I can't help but giggle. Lizzie does that to me sometimes. Ever since that first day at our college, Georgetown, we've been inseparable. Admittedly, she's not the brightest star in the sky, but I love her and we get each other.

The plane engine starts to rumble, and so does my stomach.

"Ooh, are you hungry?!" Lizzie asks.

"Yes, but why are you so excited?" I ask.

"Omg! I've always wanted to get one if those boxed snack things that they have on planes!"

See what I mean by the whole not the brightest star in the sky thing?

I smile. Her excitement is contagious. Wait, am I actually starting to get excited about this? Why yes, I think I am.

"Ok L. We'll get one." I say. Why not, I think. I'm determined to have as good of a time as possible. And with that, we take off. Over the Atlantic Ocean.

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