Chapter 2 of Love in London

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Chapter 2 of Love in London - page 1 - Wattpad

Chapter 2 of Love in London - page 1 - Wattpad

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Chapter 2 of Love in London - page 1 - Wattpad

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Hey everyone! So, a special shoutout to mhseward77, my bestie. Thanks so much for telling me about wattpad!

Chapter 2:


"Harry, wake up!" Liam shouts. "Another concert, another day!"

I squint my eyes as Liam pulls up the blinds. Where are we? What city? Ugh, I've been to so many over the past 2 months that I don't even know where I am now. What kills me the most is that as a little boy, I always dreamed if going to different countries and traveling the world, but all I see when I travel is a loud stadium and cramped tour bus.

"Liam!!!!!! It's only 6 am!" I shout.

"Too bad, get up bed head." I sneak a look at my infamous mop of dark curls. I don't really get what's so great about them, but whatever. If fans could see me now, I'm sure they would freak. My hair is knotted and wild. Oh well! Good thing they invented hair gel!

Louis runs into my room, jumps on the bed and tackles me. "Ouch" I groan.

"Ready to take Tokyo?!" Oh, so that's where we are.

Oh great, I'm never going to understand anything the fans say to me when they approach me. It's funny how millions of people can know practically everything about you, when you have never even heard that person's name before in your life.

I struggle out of bed and choose a pair of jeans and a white T for my outfit. For a "superstar" (as people call me) I am pretty low maintenance. I never spend hours agonizing over an outfit (Like Louis!)

I check my social networking sites. I never comment. I mean "I" comment, but the comments are written by someone else hired to do that job. I only look at the comments.

But I know I shouldn't.

Moments can range from "ohmuygawd I 💋💋💋💋💋❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ you SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH"

To "I hate you, you are the worst, you are a horrible singer."

People seem to forget that that beyond their iPhones, there's someone reading what they write on the other side. They just assume that we don't look or don't care. And some people don't.

Liam, for example, just says "haters gonna hate."

But I look. And I care. It hurts, to have people say things so nasty that I can't repeat them.

I see a flash. Oh my god! The paparazzi just took a picture of me in my boxers on my bed. Ugh! I'm so sick of it! So fed up!

I need a break. I, Harry Styles, need a break.

I pick up my phone. Dial.

"Hullo..." I ask.

"Yep." Paul, our manager replies.

"I... Um... Cancel everything. Everything." What am I doing?

Love in LondonWhere stories live. Discover now