Love in London Chapter 3

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Love in London

Chapter 3

Grace's POV:

"Lizzie! Wake up!!! We're landing!" I yell into her ear. A pinkish orange glow illuminates the clouds outside my window. It's... beautiful.

I might be able to actually enjoy the sight, if I didn't feel so tired and disgusting. My eyes are crusted with... stuff, and my neck has a SERIOUS crick in it. It's 1 in the morning back at home, while it's 7 British time. Since Lizzie seems... um... unmotivated to get up, I flip through my purse to find something to occupy myself with. Ah, an OK magazine. Just what I need. Hey, don't judge, a girl needs a little gossip every now and then.

On the cover, I see 1 Direction. Eh, they're ok. Liz just about worships them. Especially the one with with the brown curly hair. What's his name...? Harry? Even though I'm not a huge fan of the band, even I have to admit, he's downright gorgeous. GORGEOUS. The magazine says the band is in London until April. Who knows, maybe we'll run into them! Haha. As if.

Lizzie starts to stir. She looks perfect, even half awake. With her bright blue eyes, gorgeous blonde hair, and Barbie like figure, she always has a boyfriend. It's she's some sort of magnet or something.

Me? Well, nothing exciting going on here. I'm average height- 5"7. And I'm built kind of the opposite of Lizzie. I'm curvy. Not fat, no, definitely not. And I would be the first to say I was. Just, I have hips, and am definitely not flat chested, if you know what I mean. I have blondish/brownish hair. But, I have two nonaverage things about myself that are actually ok.

1. My eyes. They are a really cool shade of green and fringed by black eyelashes.

2. My lips. They are plump and pink. And no, I did not have surgery.

I'm definitely not pretty like Lizzie. I'm more, um, what you'd say nicely, unique.

I certainly do not feel even close to pretty right now though. I really need to brush my teeth. I really need to pee, come to think of it. I got trapped behind the beverage cart and fell asleep before I could pass the cart.

I can feel the the plane descending now. The fasten your seat belt sign lights up. Can't go now. Oh well.

Ok, Lizzie really needs to get up now. I try to shake her awake. Ugh! She is such a heavy sleeper.

"LIZZIE!!!!!!!!" I yell, receiving disapproving looks from tired people on the plane.

"Mmmph!" Lizzie groans and yawns.

"She's alive! "

Hmmm, what can I do to get her fully up?

I know. "Lizzie, your mascara is running!" She immediately sits up.

"What, how? It said on the box that it would not run for 24 hours! Ugh, and it costs like $20 for one tube. That lady at Sephora was totally lying!" Lizzie is an expert at rambling, if you haven't already noticed.

She pops open her mirror app on her iPhone. Uh oh! Here comes the L wrath, as I like to call it.

"Grave Rose Feldman! You liar! My mascara is not running! Ugh! You're gonna get it. I need my beauty rest, you know that!"

I burst out laughing, I just can't help it.

Lizzie joins in and we receive more looks from people in our plane row.

The plane touches down with a little jolt. "Lizzie!" I exclaim through giggles, snorts, and laughs that can only be found in a friendship between two weird young women in over their heads in a big city like London.

"We're here."





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