Chapter 2: Camp Stinky Feet

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"I hope this helps your get over your breakup, Taylor," said Karlie as she got in the passenger seat.

Taylor opened the driver door, and slipped in, closing it behind her.

"I am having fun doing this!  That one we got is so cute," she said as she looked back at me before starting the car and beginning to drive away.

She didn't drive for that long.  I laid tied up in the back seat for the whole time.  I struggled at the ropes a bit, but Taylor had tied them very tight so there was no use of escape.  Then I remembered the camp bus, I would never make it on time now, but the worry quickly faded.  This was way more exciting than camp.

I then wondered what Taylor wanted me for.  What did she need with me in order to help her get over her breakup?  What was in store for me?  These thoughts were short lived; however, because the car came to a stop.

The two women got out and opened the trunk to pull out a large cloth sac.  Taylor took the sac as Karlie shut the door.  Then Karlie opened the back door and Taylor shoved me in the sac feet first.  She gave me a quick peck on the head and then tightened the bag shut.

Taylor and Karlie carried me inside what sounded like an apparent building. I heard them go in the elevator and send it upwards.  I knew they put me in the bag so that people wouldn't see them carrying a tied up boy up to their room.  I made sure to keep still, because I really didn't want them to get caught.  I was excited to see what was in store for me.

They carried me into their penthouse apartment and dumped me on their master bed.  Karlie and Taylor lived together in the penthouse, and they shared the same bed.  They "didn't like like each other" though.  They just "liked to cuddle each other". I looked at the two blond beauties standing in front of me.

"If I take the tape off are you gonna keep quiet?" asked Taylor.

I nodded my head.  Within a moment, Taylor ripped my tape off.

"What's your name?" asked Karlie

"T-Thomas," I stuttered, "and I know you're Taylor Swift and Karlie Kloss."

"Oh! You're a fan?" said Taylor with a happy tone in her voice.

"Y-yes, I'm a huge fan of you two," I replied.

"That's great!" exclaimed Taylor. "Well I guess you're wondering why we kidnapped you.   So you're gonna serve as our foot slave for the next week, then we'll let you go."

"Basically you're gonna be tied up at our feet for the next week," explained Karlie.

I smiled a bit.  That sounded like absolute heaven.  But I wished it was longer than a week.

"T-That sounds amazing!" I exclaimed "I'm excited, but I have a question." I said

Taylor gave me an inquisitive look and I explained the whole camp situation and I asked if they'd like to keep me all summer. They both looked at each other and giggled.

"Of course." said Karlie with an evil grin.

"I guess we'll call this 'Camp Stinky Feet' then," remarked Taylor with a giggle.

"Now Taylor and I are tired from our jog, so we're gonna take a nap," said Karlie.

"Okay." I said in understandment.

I watched Karlie and Taylor take off their tennis shoes.  Then I saw Taylor walk over to her dresser to grab something.

"Taylor and I are gonna need somewhere to put our socks, so open up," said Karlie with a sinister grin.

Knowing what was coming I chuckled a bit and then opened my mouth.  Before I could do anything else, Karlie shoved her two sweaty socks in my mouth.  Just then Taylor came back over with a box of colorful soft wool scarves.  After Taylor shoved her sweaty socks in my mouth, she grabbed one of the scarves and tied it tightly around my mouth to hold the socks in.  Then she tied about 3 or 4 more scarves around my mouth, effectively silencing me.

The two got in the bed and pushed me down to the foot of the bed.  They both lay there hugging each other with their feet almost touching my face.  Their feet had a very strong almost unbearable stench, but I loved it, because it was the feet of two gorgeous women.  Along with the taste of their sweaty socks, I was fully immersed in the feet of Kaylor.

I lay there enjoying my torture, as Karlie and Taylor drifted to sleep.  Within a few minutes I fell asleep as well.  Waking up early that morning made quite me tired.  The three of us slept there in peace, resting up for more foot torture to come.

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