Change. Song.

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Chapter 21

A/N: So there is a video on the side. I hope you like this chapter.



Third Person’s P.O.V

            People change and it may be for the better or for the worst however this change will not only define the present but also the future. People change when something happened and that will drive that person to a state that will surely shock everyone.

            With the amount of time her Uncle left her alone, she made a song that explains all of her feelings. With that amount of time she needed to let her feelings be heard and decided to sing this song to them. Music is the only outlet that will only help her and forever be glad that it will never go away.

            One after the other giving her a sympathetic look and telling her ‘Everything is going to be okay or I am really sorry’ does not change the fact that her father, who had been there for her ever since she was a baby, is in fact gone. Her rock that will push her to her limits, the one who motivates her to pursue and accomplish her dreams.

            The girl who steps inside the room and fills the room full of life is now looking dead and her friends, Jess and Princess saw that in her eyes. Seeing that all they could do is to be there for her and helped her throughout the day, they did not expect for that one person to show up but he did.

            He clearly sees that she looks devastated and as he looks at her friends, he knew that they knew that it is all an act. Instead of going to her friends, he went straight to her and just hugged her. ‘Hey there, Alex.’ She then took a step back and looked at that person; no emotion can be trace on her face. So he just continued, ‘You do know I am here for you, right? If you need anything, just say it and I will do whatever it takes just to get it for you.’ She wanted to tell him what she wanted but it was too selfish of her. Her Uncle then came back for her and said, ‘Doll, do you want to say anything before or after I give mine?’ She only nod and said, ‘I want to sing for him.’ He nodded and said, ‘Just go up there, okay?’

            Never looking back at Nathan and her Uncle, she began to walk towards the stage. She passed by her friends but did not even look at them. All heads were turned when she came up on stage, all with sympathetic look. Looking at the people who went to her father’s funeral she then took the microphone and said, ‘Thank you all for being here today. I know how much you cared for my father. I know he is in a better place and he will look after all of us. I have so much to tell him right now but clearly he is not here with us but I know he can hear me from up there so I am going to sing a song. This song says it all and I just wish that you are still here with me …‘ tears began to flow and no one dared to say anything for they know how close they were. She then continued, ‘This song is for you. I love you dad.’ She then wiped her tears and sang.


            Trying to remember all the memories they had, the good and bad. All she knows is that she is going to miss him so much and she will pour her heart and soul for this song. As long as his memory lives on, she will always remember every part of him.

‘If only a song could capture a memory

I would be with you

If only a heart could fall for a melody

I know you'd love me too’

‘But a song is just a song

And a melody won't do

If you don't belong to me

In the way I'd want you to’

‘But just as long as you know

This is song is for you

For as long as the memory of this melody lives on

I'd always remember

The way you are to me

And that's how you'd always be

Here in the memory of a song’

            Tears are now flowing and will not stop because of all the memories they shared. He was a big part of her life. He became her rock, savior, and protector. The only man in her life who never gave up on her and the only man who truly loved her is now gone. Everything does not seem right because the person she trusted the most is gone forever and never coming back.

‘If only a dream could be realized

I'd have you here with me

Here in my arms

Here in my life

The way it's meant to be’

‘But I've had enough of dreaming

Of a life I'd never have

If you don't belong to me

I guess I'd have to live with that’

‘But just as long as you know

This is song is for you

For as long as the memory of this melody lives on

I'd always remember

The way you are to me

And that's how you'd always be

Here in the memory of a song’

‘For as long as you know

This song is for you’

            Everyone was in tears because of the song she sang. Her friends – Jess, Princess and Nathan can see how much she is hurting.

            Now, there are two boys at the back clearly taken back on how the way she sang. The boy at the far right felt sad and looked guilty while the other felt sad and looked helpless. They can tell how much she is hurting.

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