Chapter 4: Good Bitch

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Hi ghoulies

I introduce you to Margot Robbie Daily, who'll be playing Shelby Norzick, an old high school friend of Blake's and possible love interest/rival. Jeje. For those of you who don't know, Margot is the chick who acted as Harley Quinn in the movie Suicide Squad. Now you know. ^_^
The Drama therefore shall begin. 

Luv Onee-Chan


Jaden's POV

"You better come to my house or I swear I'll burning it down," I hissed through the phone. I had locked my door, and if I had a deadbolt, that would be locked too. I literally feel like the universe is fucking me over, and it's not even using lube. Just dry fucking my life.

Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating but still, that's literally how I felt.

A gum popped over the line, signifying that Neil was only partially listening to me. "Bruh, you're killing my high." 

"I don't care." 

"What crawled up your butt? With that tone, I'm assuming it was Daddy dearest," Neil answered. I could clearly hear him inhale -probably smoke- over the line. 

"Blake's charming but stupid idea of inviting some old high school friend for dinner. C'mon, I need some support Neil. If you see this chick, you'll know what I'm talking about," I exasperated.

I was feeling particular bummed at the moment. 

Her name was Shelby Norzick. She used to be chummy chummy with Blake back in High School, and now works as an amateur model for some hot-shit magazine. I know of her, trust me. Uncle Brad has told me of some of Blake's old flames, and I'm pretty sure, she was one of them. 

Blake had come home from grocery shopping and knocked on my door saying we were having company for dinner. I assumed it was one of his colleagues, since it usually was. I hadn't really been on much speaking terms with Blake. I was afraid of myself and I'm still somewhat of a teenager. I still have little control over my actions, and especially when it came to Blake. I can only imagine we getting into some argument due to my shitty moods these days, and saying things that I shouldn't. 

I know myself too well. 

"Wait what? Let me get this straight. So you're freaking out because you're Dad invited over a presumably ex-girlfriend for dinner? Is she hot?" 

"She's like what -a hard 8.5?- I won't admit to a 10 because let's face it, how am I going to compete with a 10? She came in striding with Louie heels and a red parka, flaunting her blonde hair everywhere in the kitchen. I'm still deciding if whether to skip this gag-fest," I said pacing my room frustrated. 

"Wait, she's already there?  In the kitchen? What are you doing locked up in your room? Are you giving them space to 'get overly friendly' with each other.  Get your butt down stairs and watch the intruder like a hawk or so help me," he threatened over some shuffling. "Give me 10 mins. I'll be there."

I threw myself backward unto bed, letting my phone fall out of my hand. I trashed around childishly like a kid in a temper tantrum to get rid of some of the edginess. In a huff, I stood and headed down stairs. I could hear them talking as Blake finished cooking dinner. A giggled laughter sound traveled to me as I poked my head in the entry way of our opened kitchen. 

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