. :тωσ:.

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I closed my bright pink stickered diary. Unplugging my dark reddish shiny and not to mention brand new headphones, from my phone and setting it beside the diary. I stared down at it at wonder, thinking who would read such a thing if to be found. At the silly thought I simply chuckled a soft tired one. Pressing my feet against the carpet floor the wood underneath it making a slight creak as my weight was beginning to press down on it, I pushed my chair silently backwards not wanting to wake my parents up having them knowing I stayed awake. Walking behind the chair as quietly as a mouse I gently picked the chair up and set it back in place in the desk, with that in place I crouched down and grabbed the wire that had a button that would turn the lamp off and pressed it so the light would go off and I was left back in the darkness. Only having the moonlight as my source of light that peeked from the trees into my window which led to my room.

I walked over to my bed making sure I don't step on anything that would make noises. Just a reminder I have a very messy room that I should clean up, and really I never had the time to do so just because of school work. Honestly who wants to do that anyways. Finally safe to simply plop into my bed I jumped right in and realized how hot it is with my blanket in. Knowing me I hate not having my blanket on in certain conditions, but since of course I sleep alone I ripped off my shirt and pants (not literally) and tossed them aside into the laundry. Cuddling up into my blankets now I paused. At the most precious time when im in a comfortable moment I began to, feel, a bit uneasy.

Oh wait.

I have to go pee.

Groaning in annoyance I mumbled to myself while getting up, "stupid bladder not picking the worst times to remind me to use the bathroom." I reached into the laundry and pulled out the shirt I was just wearing and wore it again. Glancing at the time I realised with only about 7 hours left until I have to head to school and be ready, I rushed out of the room to take a quick piss and quickly nap.

Now sitting on the toilet I was tapping my foot impatiently. What you think I'm gonna tell you things while I'm doing my business?

Well, I should tell you who I am since really I haven't told you much about myself.

{guys dont hate me for this honestly I need to do another story of this ship because this was my first otp but it's my story so boohoo}

My name, well it should be simple to know, it's Amy Rose but however I would have multiple nicknames. Some are very surprising if you ask me. I love to write fantasies daily but only at night time. It's a habit really but I would get caught some of the times I do so. I'm a friendly person but I can be a bit over dramatic, maybe sensitive and also have that bad side, everyone has it you know. I feel as if I'm breaking the fourth wall at the moment so I should simply finish off what I have to say.

Like I said about me I love to write fantasies, story's make me thing of the world a whole new way, I sometimes love to add my friends into it a well! But if it's every a prince and princess story. . .well, I would make it so that I'm the princess, and my hero, my knight in shining armour! The man who I love to the depths of my heart. Sonic the Hedgehog.

I always wish to spend my days with him and I feel as if we're knowing each other more and more! Cream told me that he's going to the same high school so that would be better news for me! All my friends and then my prince will all be there! I wouldn't have to worry about anyone leaving me or finding someone better.

Ah, maybe I should stop thinking ahead of myself, it's a bit crazy to think about your future ahead when you haven't even gotten to those points where you passed. It helps me though! Making me need to make sure I be successfully in any way to achieve those goals!

But I'm tired now and I should get off this toilet, my story will continue once I wake up. Every girl and men need their beauty sleep before their life can play out right?

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