A normal school morning

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"Morning Kieran." My Mum said as I came down the stairs. "Morning mum." I replied sitting down at the table. She placed a bowl in front of me. "We're kinda low on food, so all that's left is porridge. I intended to go shopping this afternoon after cleaning up the house."
"It's fine Mum." I say starting to eat. She smiled and continued to stir the pot on the stove. Dad came down the stairs all dressed for work. "Morning Dad."
"Morning son." He said doing his tie. "Darn thing..." He mumbled. "Let me help you out dear." My mum said walking over and helping him. She did it with ease which made Dad look kinda embarrassed. I chuckled slightly which made my Dad glare at we with a smile. I glared at him back and continued to eat. "Where is your sister?" Dad asked breaking the silence. "Probably up stairs still asleep." I answered. "Could you go wake her up?" My mum asked. "Yeh, I will." I picked up my bowl and scraped the rest of my breakfast into my mouth with my spoon. I practically slammed my bowl back on the table wiped my mouth and rushed for the stairs. "What about the dishes?!" My mum cried as I was half way up the stairs. "I'll do them later!" I cried back. I paused for a second feeling slightly bad about just leaving my bowl there. The only thing mum really does all day is clean up the house, the least I could do was wash my bowl. "Don't worry dear, I'll do it." I heard dad say. Thanks dad. I walked down the hallway and soon came to my sisters room at the end.
I opened the door and saw her still asleep on her bed. She was snuggled into her blankets all the way up to her nose. I'll admit, I love my little sister. Yeh you can be surprised if you want to. Most people HATE there siblings but I love mine. She may be annoying but aren't we all? I walked up to the side of her bed and shook her shoulder slightly. "Come on Static... Wake up." She opened her eyes and looked at me, her eyes may be a dull grey but they look full of life to me. "Kieran...?" She mumbled her voice small and and quiet. I slightly patted her head running through her coal black hair (the same colour as mine). "Come on, you need to get ready for school." She sat up and yawned. "Alright, get out of my room I need to get changed!"
"You sure you'll be on on your own?" I asked. "Kiran I'm 5. I can get dressed on my own!" She said getting out of her bed and placing her hands on her hips. "Fine fine..." I say and walk out of her room closing the door behind me. Yes my sisters name is Static. It actually has quite a history behind that name. My great grandfathers name was Static and his great grandmother was called Static. It's just a name that popped up by someone in the family and has been passed down ever since. I decided to got get changed myself and also pack my school bag. My room was the second door from the stairs, next to the bathroom. I walked in and opened my wardrobe pulling out a green jacket and grey jeans. I decided to keep my my shirt on that I ware last night, I mean... A shirts good for a whole week without being washed. Right? I got changed and packed my bad with my school books and other crap. I picked up my phone from my bedside table and walked out closing the door behind me. I let out a sigh which was soon followed by a loud thump from down the hallway. "Ow!" That was Static... I slightly rushed down the hallway and opened the door. "Static? You ok?" I saw her in the corner of the room sitting on the floor. "Ow..." I looked up and saw her bag on top of the wardrobe. I reached up and grabbed it then helped up my little sister. "Thanks." She mumbled and took it from my hands. "We should do down stairs. Mum's been waiting." She nodded and we headed down stairs.
"Morning Mummy!" Static cried as she ran up to her and gave her a hug. I looked around. "Where's dad?"
"He's already gone to work."
"Doesn't he leave at 10am though?"
"He's going in an hour early so he can pick up Static on the way home." She explained placing a sandwich in each of our paper bag lunches. "Don't I normally walk Static home though?" I looked around to see if she was listening to the conversation herself. But nope, she turned on the T.V. "Don't you have something planned with your friends?" Oh yeh I completely forgot... We had to study for a test. Something about classes next year and grad points. "Right. Thanks for reminding me." She placed both the paper bags she was holding on the table in front of me. "Static, come get your lunch." I heard her turn off the T.V and before I knew it she was next to me putting her lunch into her bag. "Thanks mummy." She said. "You're getting quick aren't you." I stated. She paused for a second looked at me then nodded. "Mhm. I've been running a lot lately. I think I'm the fastest in the class by a long shot." I smiled and rubbed her hair messing it up. "Hey! I just brushed it!" She complained pushing my hand off her head. I chuckled and put my lunch in my bag. "Oh would you look at the time." Mum said looking at the clock on the wall. "You two better get going if you don't want to be late." I looked at the time, it was 9:45. "Oh cra-" I was stopped mid sentence by my mum glaring at me. I looked down and say Static looking at me also, wondering what word was going to pop out. "Crabs... I meant crabs." She looked at me confused for a second but shrugged it off and put her bag on top of her back. "Come on Kieran lets go!" She said rushing towards the door. Before I could follow her mum pulled me back and kissed my cheek. "Back by 4. No later."
"Yeh yeh love you to." And with that I followed my sister out the door and waved goodbye to mum before closing the door.

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