Not Alone

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"Come on! Bet you can't catch me!" She rushed off down the pathway. "Static hold up!" I yelled running after her. I can't believe my sister who is 10 years younger then me is faster then me. She stopped running and turned towards me, thank god. "Come on slow poke!" I finally caught up with her. "What took you so long?" She joked smiling. I shoved her slightly in a friendly way. "Come on... Let's keep going." I continued to walk and she walked next to me. I felt her small hand hold my own. I looked down at her to see her looking back at me. "So... When did you start school again?" I asked trying to make conversation. "I started 6 months ago. Don't you remember?" She asked sounding a little upset. "How could I forget?" I said smiling. "You where crying like a baby. "No I don't want to go it's scary"."
"I did not say that!" She yelled. "Sure you didn't..." She puffed up her cheeks. "Mummy said you did the same on your first day."
"Yeh, that's true." She looked at the ground for a second or so. "So. Made any new friends?" She looked at me again for a second then looked ahead. "I guess I made one..."
"Silvia." She replied. Silvia? That sounds like a weird name. Then again Static's a weird name also for a kid. "You got a girl friend yet?" That tended to get me off guard. "What?! Where did that question come from?" I questioned slightly raising my voice. She let go of my hand and folded her arms. "I need to know who my brothers spending time with instead of me." Really...? "Why? Would you be jealous?"
"Just answer the question!" She snapped. I rolled my eyes. "No, I don't." She glanced at me her face softened again. "Oh, ok..." She sounded slightly sad about that answer. "Something wrong?" I asked. "It's just..." She looked up at the sky. "It's Valentine's Day soon. And I don't want you to be alone like last year. Wasn't that the first year all your friends had someone and you didn't?" My eyes widened and I looked at the ground. That was true... But how did she know that? I felt her small arms wrap around my stomach. "I just want you to be happy..." I looked down at her again and placed a hand on her head rubbing it slightly. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. Besides I have you to keep me company." I stopped walking and knelt down so I was about her hight. "Besides... I want you to be happy. That's all I really care about." And I meant that. She smiled and hugged me. "I love you big brother..." She mumbled. "I love you to little sister." I looked up and saw that we where outside school. "Huh... Look where we are." She stopped hugging me and looked also. "We better get going. It's almost 9am." She nodded and rushed off again into the school grounds. She went into the junior part. I watched her enter the building so I knew she was safe, then continued to my destination. The bell rang basically as soon as I got in the building. The day went like normal. Class after class, crap after crap. The mid day bell rang for lunch time. I met my friends John and Edward outside. "Hey." I said walking over to them. John waved. "Hey dude." I sat down and grabbed out a sandwich from my paper bag. "We still studying tonight?" Edward asked. I nodded. "We got till 4." I replied stuffing a piece of my sandwich into my mouth. "Dude, chew with your mouth closed." John complained. I glared at him but did so. "But anyway..." John continued. He leaned over the table and looked directly at me. "Worked up the nerve to ask Scarlet out yet?" I basically spat everything I had in my mouth into his face. "AH! Dude!" He yelled wiping off the pieces. I coughed. "Looks like you really choked him with that question." Edward said placing down his papers onto the table. Hah hah. I managed to stop coughing and focus my eyes on John. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Dude, you're SO into her. Every time she even says something to you, you freeze up and answer with yes, no or ah...." I rolled my eyes. "I do not."
"You do." Edward stated adjusting his glasses. "Pfff... What do you two know."
"That you like her." John replied to my rhetorical question. He changed the conversation to something about a video game. But my eyes caught onto something else. I saw Scarlet sitting under a blossom tree on a wooden bench alone. Her pure brown hair was tied up in a yellow bow and her eyes shined like emeralds. I just couldn't look away... She was just... So pretty. "Earth to Kieran!" I heard John shout. "Are you even listening!" I jumped. "Huh? What?" He sighed and sat back in his chair. "Take that as a no..."
"It would appear something else has caught his attention." Edward said pointing over to where Scarlet was sitting. John glanced between me and where she was. "Dude... This is your chance!" He yelled basically climbing over the table to grab my shoulders. "You can ask her out right here and now!" Edward lifted his cup of coffee off the table. "Do you mind...?" John turned to him making his blond hair practically slap me in the face. "Oh, sorry." He looked back at me. "Just. Do it. I will play the video of I have to." I pushed him away from me slightly. "Please. Don't."
"Then go do it then dude!" I sighed and stood up. "Fine..."
"You're actually going to do it?" He questioned. I looked back at him. "Say what?!"
"I didn't think you where actually going to do it... But don't let me stop yah." I sighed again and walked over to where Scarlet was sitting. She looked at me with those shiny emerald eyes, my heart skipped a beat. "Oh. Hey Kieran." She said with a smile. "Hi!" My voice cracked, off to a great start. She chuckled slightly. Say what? "Anyway. What brings you over here?"
"Ah..." I ran my hand through my black hair trying to think of a reason. "Y-You where just sitting here alone. Thought I would come along and keep you company."
"Heh, sweet." She replied. Dear god I can't believe I'm doing this good so far. "You can sit down if you want." She stated. "Oh. Right." I did so. I could practically feet Johns eyes looking at me. "So..." I mumbled starting to strike up a conversation. "I like your eyes. There pretty." Why did I say that!? She giggled again. "Thanks. You're eyes are cool to. Never knew you could get dark grey eyes." I looked at her for a second then placed a hand over my eye for a moment or so. "Yeh, when I first went to an eye doctor or a check up he said I was the first person he saw with grey eyes. Dark grey anyway. My sister has light grey."
"Oh. You have a sister?"
"Huh? Oh yeh. Her names Static. Weird name I know."
"I would say it's weird. Maybe unique." I smiled again. "Do you have any siblings...?"
"An older brother. But he's in a different country."
"Cool." It got silent again. I know what John would be thinking. "Ask the question! Ask the question!" Over and over again. I sighed. "Scarlet." She looked at me. "Yeh?"
"I've..." I took another deep breath. "I've liked you for a while. Ok, a year or so. But I never got the courage to ask you out because I was afraid of regelation. But... When I saw you here alone. I thought maybe this would be the perfect time to pop the question." Dear god I sounded like a lover boy...
"Wait. You like me...?"
"A lot. Yes." There was silence again, that was a fail. I stood up. "Never mind..." I mumbled. I was about to walk back to my friends but something grabbed my hand. I looked back, it was Scarlet. I felt something touch my lips. It was soft and sweet... Kinda like mint. She pulled away from me. "Do you know how long I've been waiting for you to say something?" Wait wait wait wait... She's been waiting? For how long!? "How long...!?"
"Well. Since 8th grade. I've been leaving hints."
"You have...?" Well I'm an idiot. The bell rang, dang it. "Well... Talk later I guess?" I asked. "Actually." She took out a pen and a piece of paper. "Here's my number." She handed it to me after she wrote on it. She walked off to class leaving me standing there smiling. "Holy crap!" John basically jumped on my shoulders. "Dude! Just... Dude!"
"Yeh yeh your jealous as all hell."
"Yes. But DUDE." He continued. "I'm happy for you." Edward stated. "Thanks." I replied.

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