Let's open up a resturant in Santa Fe... Wait wrong story

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We fly away from Camp but this time we have Nico with us, just so that we'll know that Teddy and Tholl are alive, we start flying to Santa Fe, which is an 6 hour and 10 minutes flight

I make everyone sandwiches for Lunch and after that Arye told us that he thinks he knows where the "Radio Place" is and told us about an old abandoned radiostation that's called "Radio Plaza" He then showed us a picture of the place and I silently wished that either Teddy or Tholl was there to plan out an attack plan

We managed to make a half good plan which basically was the same as the last one, and we hoped that there wouldn't be any more hydras chilling, because they're really annoying to kill

"Okay, Logan and I are on arrowduty and Lance you're on sword duty" I say

We got down and went in and started to sneak downstairs, we get there and it's empty, there's 2 kids in there but that's it, the place is completely empty, I walk up to the 2 kids, one of them looks like he's about the same age as Logan, Lance and I and the other one looks like he's about 2, I walk up to the cell door and say

"Hey, want to get rescued or something"

"That would be nice"

"What's your names?"

"I'm Benjamin and this is Roger"

"Hi, okay we have a plane that can give you a ride, who's your parent?"

"Parent? What do you mean parent?"

I then looked at Logan and Lance, we'd just found 2 unclaimed Demigods

"don't worry about it, do you know where everyone else went?"

"Texas somewhere, no clue where"

We decide to send them back with Nico, because I know where they are, one of the people in the dungeon was talking about Tyler, and I didn't understand why until now

"Guys i know where they are but we need to leave now, thank the gods for Howard and his decision to teach us about Texas"

"Wait Texas, did we bring any shorts?" Logan asked me

"Left pocket, next to the camp halfblood t-shirt Logan" I replied

Nico shadowtraveled with them back to Camp and Logan, Lance, Arye and I started our flight to Texas, which was a 3 hour flight, I then realized that we hadn't been sleeping at all today, so i told the guys to to sleep, after 3 hours we all woke up by Arye shouting 

"Hey you bums, want to save your siblings or not? Because I've found where they're hiding them"

"3 more minutes Ly" Lance mumbled which made me hit him with my backpack

"Get your lazy ass up right now, or I'll take your Lunch"

We all get down to the house roof and look at eachother

"What now?"

"Now, we save the boys!"

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