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Another month has passed, we've finally decided to head home. Mainly because we have no money left. Ashton and Ella are coming back with us.

They're thinking about moving because we've become so close.

"Hey Skye, turn it up. I like this song."

I look at Calum in the mirror, poor guy is stuck in the back again. Him and Michael fought it out before we left, Michael won.

Luke and Jas went with Ella and Ash.

"I hate this song."

"I love this song."

I smirk to myself and change it to a random song Cody put on there and turn it right up. I didn't realise they both knew it, it was a song from a little band I don't even know the name of.

"How do you know this song? I don't even know the name of the band, Cody loves them."

"We know our music."

I nod looking around the big open road, it was so peaceful and calming. Nothing could ruin my mood today.

Tomorrow I start tafe and I start work next week, life is good. I'm on a real high, everything is going my way.

"Your a bitch."

"Would you rater go in the car with the 2 couples?"

I keep one hand on the wheel and my other arm resting on the window.

"You guys may as well be a couple."

I make a 'O' shape with my mouth as Michael swings around slapping his leg, the only spot he could reach.

"We're not a couple, we're friends."

"Friends with benefits."

I push my sunnies up looking straight ahead.

"I'll stop the car and you can get in with them."

Neither of is were impressed with his smart arse remark.

"We're not friends with benefits, we may have slept I'm the same bed. We haven't kissed, we haven't made love. We've slept, we've calmed each other down. We've talked. You need to mind your own business."

I let a tear fall, Michael was a great friend. I've turned to him for almost everything on this trip, I couldn't be happier that he was there.

I'm scared that when we get home I'll never see or talk to him again. That we'll go our separate ways and never see each other again.

I didn't want to think about it, I want us to stay connected. I want us to build on this friendship, I want it to last. I know nothing lasts forever.

"You've gone very quiet there."

"Just watching for the big bunnies, could be anything out here."

"Big bunnies?"

"Kangaroos, it's just what my parents used to say when we went on trips."

I turn the radio down fixing myself in the chair, my back was starting to hurt. My eyes were burning and I just wanted to get home.

Home is the only place I feel safe and where I can be myself. I go into a little rest stop that's on the side of the road watching Ash pull in behind me.

"You want me to drive?"

"No, it's fine. I just need a break that's all."

I get out leaning on the door after closing it, my head was all over the place.

I run my hands through my hair sighing, I've got so much coming up this week. It's starting to dawn on me that I have school and a job to think of and that's going to take all of my time.

"Can we get back on the road? We're keen to see Sydney."

I look down at my feet.

"I need a break, I haven't slept for the past 3 days. Just give me a minute."

I didn't mean to snap, when I'm tired I'm a real bitch. I push myself off the car and walk away leaning on a tree, I could feel the tears threatening to fall.

I'm missing home way to much, I just need go get back to some kind of normality.

"You want to talk sweetheart?"

"No, I just need normality. I just need to get home."

I look out into the bushes and trees, it was so quiet. The sun was sitting in the perfect spot, the shadows were beautiful.

I turn around going back to the car and get in, I watch Michael and Calum jump back in before I get back on the road.

"What's normality for you?"

"Tafe, work and seeing my brother."

"I guess we all have some kind of normality in our lives, just in different ways I guess."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

I turn my head to look at Michael confused before looking back to the road.

"Everyone has a different definition of normal, we all have a different perspective on life."

That was deep for a guy like him, I've never thought of things that way. Maybe I need to find a different way to think about life.

Maybe it could make me a better person.


I'm so ready for this week to be over, so I thought I might update.


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