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Harry's POV

The girl from this morning had been on my mind all day. I couldn't focus in any of my classes. Lucky for me it was lunch time. Who is she? This girl with magnificent blue eyes whom was now captivating my entire inner landscape.

I swear she is new. I would have noticed such a beautiful creature dancing through these halls. If she is new, the next question is...where did she come from? I had to find her. She was like a fantasy and I had to make her part of my reality.

"Harry? Harry?"


Niall snapped me out of my thoughts.

"You've been walking around in a daze all day. Are you okay?" Liam asked concerned.

"What? Oh yeah sure I'm fine," I answered still partially out of it.

Zayn rolled his eyes, "He has been thinking about this girl all day. "

"Girl you say?" Niall questioned with a new found interest in the conversation.

"Yes he won't fucking shut up about her," Zayn groaned in annoyance.

I wasn't really paying much attention to what they were saying nor did I really care at that moment. I was checking my surroundings looking for the blue eyed girl.

I was glancing through the crowd when I spotted it. I knew it was her. It had to be. No one could forget that breathtaking smile. Without hesitation, I got up and started making my way over to her.

"Harry?" Liam called after me.

"Where the fuck is he going?" Niall questioned left unsatisfied having gotten no information from me about the girl.

I walked up to the girl from behind and lightly tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around with a bright smile and glistening eyes that poured into my soul making me question once again if she was real.

"Oh hey Harry," She said.

Her voice was the most angelic voice I had ever heard. It was gentle yet tough. She was dainty yet masculine.

She broke me out of my thoughts, "uh... Harry? "

"Oh sorry," I said, "I just um... I..."

It was at this moment that I realized I had gone over to her with no plan what so ever.

"Well I didn't catch your name earlier."

She chuckled at my stumbling, "Oh I'm Lou... Lou."

LouLou. Such a beautiful name. Is there anything about this girl that isn't perfect?

"Nice to meet you LouLou," I said with a cheeky smile.

Louis' POV

I was in line to get my lunch when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to inquire about my tapper. My eyes landed on the stunning face of Harry Styles.

"Oh hi Harry," I said smiling.

He stood there for a moment just staring at me. His green eyes were perfect, filled with such curiosity and wonder.

I said his name again snapping him out of his daze. He started talking stumbling over his words. I chuckled a bit then he asked for my name.

MY NAME!  Fuck I didn't come up with a name. I had to answer fast cause who didn't know their own name.

"Oh I'm Lou..." I started.

Ugh!  You idiot. You cant use your name who names their daughter Louis. As I was thinking I said Lou again and Harry went with it.

"Nice to meet you LouLou," He said with a cheeky smile, "say do you want to join my friends and I for lunch? "

It was then that The biggest smile spread across my face, "Sure."

I walked over to the table with Harry. He introduced me to all of his friends. They all greeted me with a smile although Liam's was half sincere. I brushed it off and say down next to Harry and Niall. Zayn was next to Niall and Liam was next to Harry.

Niall was the first to speak, "Oh so this is the mystery girl."

"It's not that much of a mystery I'm just a normal girl," I said with an innocent smile.

"From the way Harry talks about you he makes you sound like a g..." Zayn got cut off by Harry.

"GREAT girl. A great normal girl," Harry said smiling at me.

Zayn came back in with his sarcasm, "I was gonna say something more along the lines of goddess but that works too."

Harry's eyes went wide, "ZAYN!!"

I just blushed and ate some peaches.

Liam's POV

There was something strange about this girl. Something was off but I couldn't quite place my finger on it. Maybe it was the fact that she wore a little too much foundation around her mouth and chin. Or that her boobs were a little too perfect. Or that her shoulders were a bit too wide.

I decided to get some background information before I let her get anywhere near my mate Harry.

"So LouLou where are you from?"

"Oh well I grew up in Doncaster but we moved to London when my mum got a new job," she responded a little to confidently.

"We?" Niall said with a mouth full of food.

God he annoyed me sometimes.

"Oh my sisters and I. I have four of them," she stated.

"Huh interesting, " I said still not quite convinced of this girl's innocence.

Soon enough the bell rang and she was gone. I stayed there still thinking.

Zayn placed a hand on my shoulder, "Hey babe are you ok?" He asked.

"Something just seems off about her."

"Off? What could be off? I think she's really nice, " Niall said.

"So you don't notice how she wears to much make up on her chin?"

"Zits?" Niall offered.

"Or her shoulders a too broad?"

"So she likes to work out its not a crime Liam," Zayn said.

"Yeah maybe," I went with it.

Louis' POV

My plan was working. I couldn't believe it. The only thing I'm worried about is Liam. He seemed suspicious. I need to make sure he doesn't spoil this. In that case,  I'll just have to make him my best friend.

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