Gay People Are People

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Louis' POV

I woke up wrapped in Harry's arms. I don't think there is anything better than this feeling, in this moment right here. 

But... that feeling would have to end because it was another school day and it was time for me to get up. I slowly moved Harry's arm off of me careful not to wake him up, and slipped out of bed.

 I looked in my closet deciding what to wear. I have all of these girl clothes that weren't being used and if I'm being honest they are really comfortable. I bought them so I might as well wear them. I threw on a burgundy skirt with a striped shirt.

Harry rolled over and opened his eyes slightly.

"Morning," he said in his heavenly raspy morning voice.

I smiled at him, "You should get ready love, I'll be downstairs."

I walked down the stairs and Daisy and Phoebe were sitting on stools at the counter eating breakfast.

"Well would you look who it is," Daisy said.

I glared at her already knowing where this was going, "Shut up."

"Ooh, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Phoebe said.

"No, he's just mad cause he didn't get any sleep," Daisy corrected.

Fizzy walked down the stairs in a different outfit from yesterday.

"Oh busy night eh? I saw Harry in your room," Fizzy contributed to the conversation.

"Yeah, did you have sex?" Daisy asked.

"No," I said wincing as I sat down.

Phoebe chuckled, "Your ass says differently."

Fizzy smacked the back of Phoebe's head, "Watch it."

Phoebe looked at Daisy, "We heard you anyways so cough it up sis."

Daisy rolled her eyes and handed Phoebe 7.78 pounds.

"What about you Fizzy," Daisy asked, "How did you and Shawn make out last night?"

"Sorry, to disappoint girls but nothing happened," Fizzy responded.

"Really?" Phoebe asked giving her a look.

Fizzy scoffed, "Please he is nowhere near ready for that."

Phoebe groaned and handed 3.89 pounds back to Daisy.

"So you're back where you started," I pointed out.

Phoebe shook her head, "No actually, we only bet 3.89 pounds that Fizzy would have sex. I had more faith in you so we bet 7.78 pounds that you would have sex so I still have more money then I did before."

Harry walked into the kitchen, "I was kind of hoping you were kidding about them betting on our sex life."

"Nope," I said while shaking my head.

"You're wearing a skirt," Harry observed.

I nodded, "I thought as long as I have them I might as well use them. Besides they're comfortable."

Harry just shrugged.


I went to my locker to put my books away during lunch. Upon opening my locker, I was assaulted with flowers. They were from Harry of course. He is the sweetest boyfriend I could've ever hoped for. 

There was a note attached to the flowers and I read it.


I love you so much.

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