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I went To the skate park with my mate Keez and well i was trying to show off so i did back flips and stuff. "Do this with no helmet on!" I guy yelled. We looked at him and I was amazed so I tried it and I ended up staking it. "GET THE BIKE OFF HER!" A guy yelled. The I blacked out.

So I woke up in my bed and I felt different. I didn't know why? I looked around and yeah I was still in my messy ass room! So I got up and I felt broken or something. It felt like I was missing something. I felt like I was walking weird.

So I went to the bathroom I grab my tooth brush and put tooth paste on it and I was about to brush my teeth then.... "AHHHHHH" I looked in the mirror! Then I looked at my body. "Wait what?" I said to my self then it hit me! No really something hit me in the head, but I was a zombie!

"OOOHHHH YYYEEEEAAAHHH BBBOOOOIIIIII!" I yelled. I got my school cloths on and I went to school.

Everyone was looking at me. But I just walked down all happy. "It's not dress up day miss Sidney! Take it off now!" I turned around and saw Mrs McClusky. "NEVER!" I ran down the hall but I ended up breaking my leg off. People were running and screaming then... "SID!YO WAZ UP MA HOMMIE!" I looked behind me and there was my best mate Kees(Case) he was also a zombie.

"WAZ UP MA BRADA!" I hugged him and then we went to class. "Molly? I didn't do my homework can I copy yours?" "Ah here take it!" She gave it to me and ran away to the back of the class room. "Ahh thanks?" I turned back around to the teacher Mrs Clancey. "Sidney you here?" "Yes!" "Why are you dressed like a Zombie" she looked at me like I was going to get detention. I sighed and stood up.

I walked over to her and put my hand out. "Here you go" she put a detention this on my hand. I grabbed my books and went to Mrs Nevel and Mr Conlan.

"Here my detention what do I do" they looked at me. "First take that costume off" Mrs Nevel said. "I can't Why don't you try" she cane over and tried then Mr Conlan had a try. "Quick!" Mr Conlan grabbed his phone and rang to hospital.

It was snack and me and Kees were in a ambulance going to the hospital.

"So Kees...." I said trying to make conversation. "So...." He said back.

Next thing ya know they take us out and run is up to a room. A doctor comes in and he yells.


It's was like 5pm now and we were getting tested and everything. We finally stopped and went back to your room. They walked in and.... "We have some bad news and good news" he paused. "Bad news is We have to kill you but the good news is that may take a few shots to kill the already killed so you can run but please don't"

They got out there guns and aimed at us. "QUICK KEEZ RUUUUNNNNNN!!!!" We ran and jumped out of the window. We ran as fast as we could then. "I'VE BEEN SHOT IN THE LEG!" I stop and turn around I see Keez on the ground. "Save your self Sidney. My time had come." He tried to make it all dramatic. "B**** PLEASE! IM NOT LEAVING YOU!" I ran to him and put him I over my shoulder.

I ran and ran until we lost sight of them. I drop Keez on the ground and look around. "We're not in town anymore that's for sure" I walk around in circles. "Sidney I need to tell you something..." I looked at him and he got up and walked over to me. "I love you Sidney I always have" I look at him. I was shocked. "Ha! Good one buddy!" I break in to tears laughing and I push him in the shoulder. "Oohhhh that's a good one!" I keep laughing. "F**k" Keez said under his breath "yeah yeah I was joking" "we'll we better---"

"PUT YOUR HANDS UP NOW!" I turn around and see the cops and everything. We put out hands up and I whisper to Keez "I'm gunna make a run for it... You coming" "No!" He whispers back "pussy!" I say. "NO TALKING" the cop said. I walk away slowly. That slow her couldn't see me move.

"SEE YA IN HELL KEEZ!" I scream and bolt! I run in the forest and I hear gun shots behind me. I keep running then I meet a cliff. "SH*T" I yell. I hear a gun shot and It hit me! I fell back off the cliff----

"Sidney?" I started to open my eyes. "Sidney?" My eyes opened a little "SHE'S WAKING UP!" I woke up and quickly looked at my body. I was human again! "FUUUUUUU WWWWHHHHYYYYYYYY!!!!" I screamed and lied back down. "What's wrong?" Keez said next to me. "IM HUMAN AGAIN! I WANNA BE ZOMBIE!" I start to fake cry. "Oh god Sidney"


Hey that's my first Fantasy! I hope yas like it and yeah! I hope you want more and see yas later!

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