One~ The word 'witch' matches you.

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The large red steam train screeched as it came to a stop, a large man dressed in brown about two times the size of a normal human stood outside holding a lantern.

The students exited the train one by one and the large man called for all first years. Ivory stumbled off the train, joining the other new students.

She shivered under the icy air outside, wrapping her robes around her even more if that was possible, her small frame fully submerged in her black velvet robes.

Before she got a view of the giant castle, she was pushed over by amazed students and stepped on by a few. Her petite height not helping the situation at all. At eleven years old she was only 4'5

She squeezed her eyes shut and blocked her face from any incoming feet. When her eyes had fluttered open hesitantly a hand was extended In front of her. She gently took it and the young boy pulled her to her feet.

"Thank you." She said to him.

"Are you alright? You took quite a few kicks to the face there." He said, smiled back at her.

"Yes, yes, I'm alright. I thank you again." She had said.

"I'm James. James Potter." He said, walking her back into the crowd, staying near the back.

"Hello James. I'm Ivory Stone, but please call me Ivy." She said.

"All firs' years, on the boats! Four to each!" The large shaggy man called.

"I'll see you around Ivy." James smiled, waving at her as he ran to a group of three other boys.

Once again, Ivory felt alone and nervous. She glanced at the boats and most of them were full, she saw three girls in a boat and walked over, sitting in the empty seat. In which Ivory knew was magic, the boats headed to the large castle that lay upon the large Black Lake.

It was an awkwardly silent boat ride until a young girl with red hair spoke up. "Well, I best introduce myself. I'm Lily Evans." She said, placing her hands on her lap neatly. She seemed much more superior then the rest. For they were immature, but that was normal for this age and time period in life.

"My name is Harley, Harley Parkinson. I personally want to be in Slytherin" The blonde girl said, yet she looked in no way to be Slytherin. But that is just house stereotyping, not fair to all.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Remi Daiah." Remi spoke, feeling more comfortable, her brown hair blowing in the slight wind of the afternoon.

"It's great to meet some other kids here. It has been an awkward experience by far but I'm sure this year will be one to remember. I'm Ivory Stone. But you can call me Ivy." Ivory said, shaking each girls hand.

Small conversation started on what house they wanted to be in. Lily had no preferences. Remi wanted Ravenclaw. Of course, as mentioned Harley wanted to go into Slytherin. Ivory had no preferred house either, but she would feel comfortable as to get into Gryffindor, as for her brother and father were both placed into that house. Though she would always imagine what house her mum would be sorted into, her mother went to Beauxbatons.

Soon enough the boats came to a slow stop and the piled off. Standing near them was a tall lady dressed in brown and green robes. "All students this way. I am Professor Mcgonagall. And please stay quiet." The tall, slender lady said. All the students followed her silently, obeying her orders.

Lily and Remi stuck beside Ivory, yet Harley could not be seen, which was a shame because the vibes that the young girl gave off instantly lifted the mood. All the students came to a stop and every one curiously looked around, seeing that they weren't in the Great Hall.

"Everyone form a line and we will enter the Great Hall for the Sorting ceremony to begin." She spoke in a hushed yet stern tone.

Everyone obeyed her and quietly formed a line, Lily being separated during the scramble. Though Remi was right in front of Ivory.

They all walked into the large room filled with kids of all ages, staring at them like a new toy. Yet some were too occupied with the food that lay in front of them, casually glancing from the golden platters, filled with delightful puddings and chicken from time to time.

The group of young first year students gathered  around the headmaster table, all eyes on Professor Mcgonagall.
"The house you are sorted in will act as your family for the rest of your days at Hogwarts." The woman spoke.

"Now, I will call you one by one and you shall be sorted into your houses." She had said with a gaze that was kind, yet could kill if looks would do so.
All breaths seem to have become more consistent and heart rates picked up. Remi was shaking with excitement, but for Ivory she was scared out of her whits.

"Daiah, Remi!" She called, first.
The young girl walked up and took a seat on a squeaky, wooden stool.

Ivory scanned the Gryffindor table for her brother but couldn't spot him. Only his friend, Zachary White.

She focused her attention back onto the sorting hat and her new friend as she was sorted into her preferred house, Ravenclaw.

An applaud erupted throughout the Hall and the Ravenclaw table whistled and hooted for their new member.

One by one kids got sorted into their houses. To her dismay, Harley got sorted into Hufflepuff.

As Ivory's knees grew weak, she was called upon and sorted into Gryffindor. She was greeted by many unfamiliar faces except for one. James Potter, and so she took a seat beside him and watched as her red-headed friend was being sorted.

Luckily, Lily had been sorted into Gryffindor as well. With Lily on one side of her and James on the other there was an awkward tension between the two.

"Have you two met?" Ivory asked as she looked at Lily's disapproving features.

"Unfortunately, yes. We met on the train and this... Thing... Wouldn't stop being the biggest nuisance on the planet." Lily said, narrowing her eyes at James.

"I guess the word 'witch' matches you, I have one perfect word that rhymes with it that would pair with you great!" James chimed.

With that Lily had gotten up and left Ivory's side to somewhere else down the table.

James was talking to a young boy with long shaggy hair that Ivory recognized as Sirius Black from the sorting.

Sirius threw a curious glance to Ivory and back at James. "Oh, um.. Sirius this is Ivory, Ivory this is Sirius." James said, whist in the midst of chewing his food.

Ivory gave an awkward wave and quickly adverted her gaze from the boys.

Black. Sirius Black.

The surname did not bring happy memories to Ivory's mind.

For only that surname brought back the memories of what had scared off her mother, sending her away forever. And with that she didn't want anything near her that would conflict her relationship with her Father and Brother.

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