Two~ A brilliant book-filled morning

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Ivory had been placed in a dorm with Lily, another girl named Alice, and one other named Maddie who had a very deep passion for Quidditch.

Lily and Ivory had already been awake for about an hour, getting ready for their first official day of classes. Lily had been trying to get Alice up calmly in which she succeeded. Though when it came time to wake Maddie, Lily had lost all patience with the girl for she just wouldn't wake up.

So she threw a book at her.

Maddie awoke with a yelp "Bloody Hell, Lily!" She screeched.

Alice and Ivory giggled as she scrambled on her feet. "We hardly have any time to get ready anymore Maddison! Get up, and get ready!" Lily ordered, straightening her robes and fixing her hair before walking downstairs to the common room.

"Good morning Maddie." Ivory said to the girl before walking down where Lily was.

"Yeah, just brilliant." Maddie huffed, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms like a stubborn child. Which indeed she was.

By the time Maddie had reached the Great Hall, most students had cleared out. Ivory was walking to class when she met up with James
"Hi Buddy!" She chimed

"Buddy?" He asked, blushing a little.

"Yeah!" She said, Attempting to fist bump his shoulder yet failing miserably and almost tripping over herself.

There was a snicker behind her and she turned around to see Sirius staring at her. Ivory huffed and crossed her arms.

Sirius glanced at James and acted like Ivory wasn't even there.

"Let's head to class shall we?" He said to James, brushing past Ivory and hitting her on the way by, nearly knocking her over.

"Rude." She grumbled under her breath as they walked away, James looking over his shoulder and mouthing 'Sorry' to her before Sirius smacked his head, bringing his attention to Sirius.

"There you are!" Ivy heard from behind. When she turned, right In front of her was Remi with her hands full of books. "Been looking all over for you." She said with a bright smile "Haven't seen Harley have you?" She asked. "She and I were talking earlier and she wanted to learn more on the Remembrall she has, thought I ought to show her how that thing really works!" She said with a smile before bounding off into the crowd of students, her perfect brown curls bouncing gently behind her.


After classes and about time for dinner Ivory, Remi and Harley had walked back to the Great Hall. They had seen Lily and indeed talked to her multiple times during the day, but she had wanted to look into her classes and after school activities.

Remi and Harley were once again picking up their conversation about the Remembrall, for Harley just couldn't get how it worked.

"Harley! Your killing me here." Remi groaned "It's quite simple really!" She said and Harley pouted with a huff.

"Obviously it isn't simple for all." She whined. Ivory giggled at their arguing and then spotted James by the Great Hall doors. She gazed around for any of the boys she had spotted James sticking close to.
Not seeing any of them near by she trotted over and smiled at him.

"I'm terribly sorry about earli-" James started but Ivory was quick to cut him off.

"Don't be, I understand." She says. "Where is he anyway?" She asked.

"Who?" James asked her, looking around.

"Sirius." She said as if it was obvious.

"Oh, he's in detention." James said.

"Already!?" She said, pulling him along into the Great Hall and sat at the Gryffindor table filled with delightful foods.

"Yes. Turns out he's quite the risk taker, fits right in with me." James chimed.

Nervously she asked "What did he do?" Shoving a roll into her mouth.

James eyes her curiously. "He 'Missed' his starter pin and aimed for Mcgonagall's toes." James said. "Surely you were there." He said.

"Must've missed it." She shrugged, relaxing a bit. She had heard of what the previous Black members did in their time at Hogwarts and not all story's were very pleasant.

They talked for quite a bit before she saw Lily walking up to their spot. "I'm going to pretend I forgot about what you had said yesterday and deal with you now." She said with a sigh, sitting across the two.

"So, Lily? Did you talk to Dumbledore?" Ivory asked.

"No, he was apparently at the Ministry." Lily shrugged. "Something is going on there. One of the Kipling's had been let out of Azkaban by none other than a prison keeper himself. Must've had a deal going on. They have tracked him down and they are now just capturing the man." Lily said.

The Kipling family line was not the most pleasant of people, mass-murderers the lot of them were. Quite scary actually.

"Where did you find this information?" James asked.

"The Daily Prophet." Lily responded, not even looking at the boy. Stubborn she was.

"C'mon Lily. Don't be hasty." Ivory said to her. "Give him a chance."

Lily rolled her eyes and huffed, looking back to the worksheet they had been handed by the Potions master. Lily looked up from the sheet and her gaze landed on a pale boy with pitch black hair and a bland expression. "I'll see you around Ivy." She said.

James and Ivory watched as Lily headed for the boy "Who is he?" Ivy asked.

"Severus Snape." James responded to her question. "Bloody boy is constantly angry." James grumbled.

Ivory glanced back at Severus and saw a smile plastered on his chalky white face.

"It doesn't seem that way James." Ivory said, looking at him.

He shrugged her off and saw A boy with small scars walk in "Lupin!" He chimed, getting up and walking to the frail boy.

Ivory watched as James talked to the boy. The name Lupin rung a bell, only because James had mentioned him. Remus Lupin. As curious as Ivory was to ask the boy about his disapproving scars, she wouldn't be that quick as to ask until she met him and was on good terms with the boy.
By the time Ivory had snapped out of her thoughts she had noticed Maddie sitting in front of her, scarfing down her dinner. "I'm in a hurry." She said, glancing at Ivory.

"Really, what for?" Ivory asked nosily.

"I..... I don't remember."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2016 ⏰

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