Day 1 (Makoto Tachibana - Free!)

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Day 1: What would you do if Number 1 woke you up in the middle of the night?

Character: Makoto Tachibana

Anime: Free! Iwatobi Swim Club


Ashlei rolled over in bed, pulling the covers closer to her face. She sighed. Sure, she was kind of awake as it was, but she didn't want to get out of bed. Why? Because it was a Saturday & one of the only days when she was able to sleep in. It was far too early, in her opinion.

"Ashleiiii," Saeko called as she opened her bedroom door & made her way over to the bed. "Wake uuup, it's noon." 

Ashlei groaned as she gripped the blanket tighter. 

Saeko sighed. "Look, I'm not doing this. Either you get up or I'll be forced to take extreme measures." 

Ashlei glared at Saeko. She began reaching for a notebook on her bedside table. 

Saeko waved her hands around & left the room. 

"How'd it go?" Makoto asked hopefully. 

"She's really scary when people wake her up. I say we leave her." 

Makoto sighed. 

"Your turn, Haru," Saeko encouraged. 

Haru turned & raised an eyebrow. "That requires effort." 

"Pleaseeee," Saeko begged. 

Haru shook his head as he headed into the brunette's bedroom. 

"Don't you dare," Ashlei warned. 

Haru walked right back out. "Not worth it." 

"My turn!" Nagisa shouted, running into the room. "Ashleiiii, time to get up!" He ran over to the older girl & sat on her bed, pulling the covers down a little. 

Ashlei glared at him. "Nagisa," she warned.  

Nagisa shivered. "Come on, everyone's waiting!" 

Ashlei grabbed his wrist before he could pull the blanket down anymore. "I swear, Nagisa. You better leave if you know what's good for you." 

Nagisa gulped as he left the room. "Saeko's right, she's scary." He quickly pushed Rei in the room & shut the door. 

Rei's eyes widened as he turned around. He sighed & pushed his glasses up, walking towards the bed yet keeping his distance. "Ashlei, I believe it's time-" 


Rei jumped. 

"I'm not dealing with this. Leaveeee." 

Rei followed the blue eyed girl's orders & left the room. 

"Even you, Rei?!" Nagisa shouted. 

Everyone glanced to Makoto hopefully. 

He sighed. "Alright, I guess it's my turn." He walked into the room & made his way to the bed, sitting on it slowly. "Ashlei, can you please wake up?" 

Ashlei sat up immediately. "Oh, hey Makoto! What's up? Don't mind me, I'm just in my pajamas & my hair's a mess, no big deal." She smiled as she got out of bed & stretched. 

Makoto chuckled softly. 

Saeko opened the door & her mouth hung open.  

Haru shook his head & smiled slightly. 

"No fair!" Nagisa shouted. 

"That's cheating," Saeko continued. 

Makoto cocked his head. "Cheating?" 

Ashlei laughed. "You guys realize you're extremely loud & fairly annoying, right?" 

"We're not annoying!" Nagisa retorted. 

Rei shook his head, adjusting his glasses once again. "Nagisa, you're not helping yourself." 

"You looove us~," Saeko sang.


I sleep in preeetty late, so noon might as well be in the middle of the night for me.

Also, I didn't think to add Gou or Rin until after I wrote this (considering I wrote it in 2nd hour on a whim). Ahh well, I'll end up writing more Free! things, they might be there.

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