Chapter Two

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A few weeks flew by as Annora got acquainted with her classes and friends. Aslan had become closer to both Evaline and her, often coming over to their dorms before lights out for a pillow forts and John Hughes movies.

Annora slammed her hand on the distasteful sound of her alarm clock and both her and Eva groaned at it. Nora unwillingly pulled herself from the warmth of her covers and into their bathroom. She took a quick shower and went back to her room to have her hair dryer blow dry her hair by itself, while she went about picking out her clothes.

A high waisted black and white polka dot circle skirt and an elbow length white blouse tucked into the skirt, with black pumps adorned her body. Cherry red lipstick embellished her pouty baby doll lips and black mascara enhanced her swampy green eyes. She let her hair down today, it waved down to just below her butt a few inches away from the bottom of the skirt.

Nora put her hair dryer away before going into the kitchen where Eva was swaying to Lana Del Ray while scrambling some eggs. Nora walked over and took the toaster out and some whole wheat bread putting it in.
"Bow chicka wow wow, Jeez Nora you're gonna make even the upperclassmen take a double take." Eva said with a smirk on her full plum colored lips. Her red hair was pulled into a top knot, she wore a Save The Bees shirt, in black font against the yellow shirt, paired with holey dark denim jeans and brown booties.

"Well you're not too shabby yourself tree hugger." Nora giggled and the pointed look Eva gave her.

"Keep it up sassy pants I'm wielding a hot pan." Eva's eyes glistened with mischievous.

Nora held up her hands in surrender, taking a slice of toast, buttering it up and grabbing some eggs before sitting down. She poured herself a glass of orange juice Eva had put on the table and ate her breakfast, making the occasional small talk before cleaning her dishes and going into the bathroom to brush her teeth.

It was rounding the 8 o'clock mark when Eva and her departed the dorms heading to their first class. Nora had underestimated the weather and chilly winds nipped at her bare legs. True to Evas word some boys and girls gave them both double takes. Almost brought a smile to their faces if it had not been for the wind.

They made it to class and went to their seats, Nora's legs shook still for the cold and she bit on her lip to keep from her teeth chattering. Why did it have to be so cold today? It's Friday. She thought to herself as she pulled a plain colored blanket from her bag and draped it over her legs.

"Alright class, so today's going to be a little different. After your last class of the day you are to report to the gardens for your Astrology project for the term. More details will be given then. Saturday you will be going to the forest at the edge of campus at noon where you will meet with Josephine for you Creatures project for the term." Jackson said looming over Nora's desk, sparing a glance at her.

Class kept going after that with the normal workload. The excitement for what tonight had planned. Eva's excitement showed itself with the increasingly sloppy writing in her notes. Nora remained collected, she bit on her lip unconsciously while keeping up with the twins lectures.

The bell halted the professors from continuing and shouted out at the students to remember about meeting with them after last block.

"Ms. Wefting, would you mind staying after for a second? I'll send a pass to your next professor." Jackson called out from behind his desk, his hands, which were sifting through the painstaking essay they had to write on Tuesday, came to rest at his sides, resting on the arm rest.

Annora nodded sending a quick smile to Eva who smirked and then made a quick getaway towards her next class. She put all of her work and books into her bag before walking up to the desk.

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