Chapter Three

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It was unearthly experience for Annora, her body felt as if every layer that made up her being and soul was ripped away and then put back together, except she felt better. Power and magic pulsed through her veins. She wasn't ready to wake up, she wanted to feel all the strange new sensations.

Nora was aware of what was happening around her, she knew her God had finally given her the position. Based on the amount of power she felt, she knew it was a Major God, not a Minor one. It was a relief honestly, she would rather work for the big guys, meant her life was going to be easier.

Boy was she wrong.

Loud thumps woke her unwillingly from her sleep. Annora opened her eyes, rubbing the tiredness from them and stifled a yawn. She slowly sat up from a pile of blankets and pillows. A gasp escaped her mouth as she took in the room she was in.

The room was large, marble tiles stretched across the floor with rugs of mismatch print but all within gray tones littered across. Columns rose to meet the white ceiling along with white drapes, all conjoining at a sterling silver chandelier in the center. The walls were a creamy white with various portraits of what she guessed the Gods.

A few lounge chairs and plush ottoman seats were strewn about. She turned around and looked out onto a large open balcony, an archway led her out and there were no windows. It was beautiful. She could see the tops of mountains and the puffs of clouds drifted towards her.

Another series of thumps drew her back to reality and she quickly went to the only door in the room.

"Ms. Wefting?" A timid voice came from behind the door.

"I suppose that is me." Annora replied shortly.

No matter the beauty of this palace, she wanted to know exactly how long she would be held here. Nora didn't want to miss out on her classes.

"May I come in?" The voice called out again.

"Who are you?" She wasn't dull enough to allow a stranger in.

"My name is Henry. Henry Perolie." He replied with a lazy tone.

Nora opened the door then, she had never seen him before. He was of average height and had a lanky build. A mop of curly brown hair framed his face where deep green eyes gazed at her in concerned manner. His cane, which was a dark oak, was propping him up as he leaned on it.

Nora flashed a small smile before letting him in. He as quick as he could made it over to one of the sofas and sat himself down. She followed suit but opting for an ottoman that was in front of him.

"You've made such a interesting change for a High Priestess, Ms. Wefting." His soft voice held the same calming effect that Jospehine's did.

She raised a brow at his words before gazing down at her arms. She bolted toward a mirror and examined her much changed appearance.

Annora had grown a few inches coming more around 5'6. She was covered in a soft white dress that flowed down and pooled at her feet, it was sleeveless and had small lace designs around the belt of the dress. Her skin remained the same milky white, except for the constantly moving swirling black designs. Small jewels stayed stationary around large designs. She had three of them on her face. A large onyx laid close to her hairline on her forehead, a medium sized moonstone followed below it, and a small opal came below it just above the space between her eyebrows.

Her hair was also the same black river except it was longer now falling past her butt and more towards the middle of her thighs. Her eyes were the most drastic change besides the gems and black designs. One was the same swampy green, but the other was a soothing amber.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2016 ⏰

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