Chapter Two

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I drank the contents of the cup noting that it had no taste. there was nothing but a slight tingle at first but then the filling turned into a sering burn. i whimpered looking at him. he watched me intently as i try to focus. Another wave of pain ripped threw me. i clapsed onto my knees clenching my stomach. there was a sharp sting in my back on both my shoulder blades. i could hear the sound of burning skin and shattering bone making my scream loud. i light blub pop near by shadowing us alittle. the lit fire raged wildly in the fire place. i felt the need to throw up. i coughed and the floor was dotted with my blood. i had to barf then. my body lurching as i threw up more blood. i began to feel woozy. my eyes began to burn and then water. i rubbed under my eye pulling my hand back to see it to covered in blood. it was getting hard to breathe and i was starting to drown in my own blood. it seemed like every time i breathed out i could but when i breathed in i was sallowing the blood caught in my throat. my vision started to fade and then i slipped under.


i woke up with a huge headache. i was laying on my back on something hard and unconfortable. the floor. i blinked a couple times and then sat up to look around. "i'm glad you come to my princess of the dark. i would have worried if you hade slept any longer."  i heard stephan say from somewhere close. i looked around and then spotted him sitting by the fire. i moved up onto my knees. holding my head i groaned. "what in the hell did you do to me." i snapped at him. he smiled.  "i made you like me." he said getting up and walking toward me. "you turned me into an asshole?" i asked with a fake smile. he chuckled. "no, not exacly." he said. he reached passed me to touch my back. the place he put his fingers was raw and hurt like hell when he add a small amount of pressure. i snapped back standing quickly and moving from me. "ouch that hurts." i said. "im sorry but i have to make sure your wings are properly formed and that there was no problem during transformation." he said. he was crazy. wings? what did he think i was a fairy? "sorry wack job but i dont have wings." i said. he just looked at me. i looked away beacuse it was wired when people just stared. "look my dear." he said. i looked back at him and my eyes widened to the size of baseballs. it wasnt just stephan's body anymore.  he was there with that stupid cocky grin on his face but behind his head and shoulders were huge jet black wings. i just stared at him in disbelife. "you gotta be kidding me." i whispered. "sorry but you have them too." he said. "no, no im good ok so stay away." i said backing up and away from him. i stepped back a few more steps and ran into something back and hard. i turned and i met by and pretty set of green eyes. i blushed without control and he smiled at me. "my appologies dear." he said, "no um it was my fault i wasnt focused." i siad.there was a slight pain in my back and a winced flinching away from the feeling. the only way to go was forward into his arms. he wrapped his arms around me to study me. "whoa." he said with a smile. those eyes. "um thanks again." i said getting space in between us. "good thing i was here." he said. i smiled. then there was another sharp pain in the back of my head. "it time for transformation two." i heard stephan say. then i was out.

sooooooooooooooooooooooo that chap. two i know i suck but hey  cant blame me for trying love yah.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2011 ⏰

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