The Kiss

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So, I'll try  to make this chapter extra special (and hopefully longer than usual) :3 Again, Thank you guys SO MUCH!! I love you Potatoes!!! :D :D :D :D :D


*Sky's POV ~ 1 hour later*

I woke up and heard a familiar voice. But, I just couldn't tell who it was. I slowly sat up and looked at my my arms. They had scars forming the name, Ty. Ty, I remembered. I looked beside me to see him asleep next to me. I remembered cutting. How I enjoyed it, how I loved the feel of his name being carved onto my skin. It was great. But, then I remembered that he didn't make me cut. I did it on my own.

You don't need me anymore, I'll be leaving.


You cut on your own. You spoke the truth. You believed it. You don't need me.

Wait... what?! How can you leave just like that? Aren't you going to torture me or something?

I suddenly felt a huge gust of freedom, fill up my body. I was finally free. He left me. He was gone for good. I can now live my life, make my own choices. I'm free. I looked around, trying not to yell happily and wake Ty up. I saw two people talking. They stopped, and turned to me. They both smiled. I immediately recognized them. They were Mitch and Jerome. They are alive! I jumped out of the bed, and ran to my friends. I hugged them.

"Mitch! Jerome!" I squealed like a third grader. 

"Biggums!" Jerome said, digging his face into my shoulder.

"Sky! We thought we'd never find you. But, that pale boy over their bumped into me, and he was trying to carry you to safety. I'm just so happy we found you!" Mitch said, kissing my cheek. Jerome didn't mind, because he did that a lot. But, if me and Mitch ever kissed each other on the lips, he'd be a very angry bacca.  "Speaking of that pale boy," Mitch continued. "Who is he?"

"His name is Ty," I replied. "I was being bullied and then he got knocked out while saving me, so I took him to the hospital and saved his life. We've been friends ever since."

"Cute." Jerome said. I turned to look at Jerome. I glanced at his shoulder. He must've saw me, because he started talking about what happened after him and Mitch ran away together.

"We ran for a couple miles, and I was losing a lot of blood. I didn't pass out, though. We baccas don't pass out easily, but we sure do feel pain. Mitch thought we should rest so I sat on a fallen tree while Mitch built this little cabin." Jerome said, moving his hand around to show me their place. "At nighttime we entered the cabin. I was in a lot of pain, so Mitch suggested that he pulled out the arrow. So, he did. My screams attracted a buttload of mobs, but we were safe. He used string and wool he got from killing sheep and spiders to make me this bandage. After that, we've just been surviving in this cabin. We wished that we'd find you... but we didn't. At least now we did! We also met a new friend, Jason. He was running from a pack of wolves, and now he lives in our basement. I can introduce you to him, if you want, while Mitch watches your friend."

I nodded. "Sounds good." Jerome lead me downstairs and I saw a boy, fiddling with an astronaut helmet and space suit. He looked up at me, and smiled. His eyes sparkled.

"I'm Jason." He said, excitedly.

"Sky." I said, smiling.

"I'm just gonna leave you two alone." Jerome walked upstairs, leaving me and Jason alone.

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