Chapter 2

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Merna's POV

I step outside the tour bus to find all the boys getting ready. Zayn and Liam are shirtless. It's not like it's the first time I see them shirtless but it's worse when I already have a crush on Zayn. This is gonna be hard.

There are fans and paparazzi watching us from above the fence. They aren't close. How the hell did they know where we are? Even I don't know. we're in a huge parking lot or something.

I wave at them and Harry does the same and they start screaming Harry's name, of course.

"Are you gonna play wearing this?" Louis points at me. I look at what I'm wearing, jeans and a T-shirt.

"What's wrong with it?" I say looking confused.

"Nothing." He shakes it off. "So, the other team only have 5 players. Do you want to play or be the judge?" He asks me passing the ball to Liam.

"Judge is good." I say I didn't really want to play like they're all boys and there's me.

They get ready and start playing. it's not serious we're just having fun till Josh decides to push Zayn and he falls.

"AHHH" Zayn screams laying on the ground with his eyes shut. He looks hurt. All the boys go to check on him and I do the same.

"Zayn oh my god, mate I'm so sorry" Josh apologizes while everyone keeps asking Zayn if he's okay and what's wrong.

"Zayn what's hurting you exactly?" I ask him and he holds his right hand.

"I fell on it," He groans. "It hurts so bad."

"I'm gonna call a doctor. Don't move it." Paul says pulling the phone out of his pocket.

"It's like I can move it." Zayn complains rolling his eyes.

"Does anything else hurt you?" I ask, so worried.

"Yes, my left knee. but it's okay, my hand is worse." He says.

"C'mon let's get you inside." Liam says and pull him up. I help him and put his left arm on my shoulder and my hand around his waist. He doesn't walk properly because his knee is injured. I feel bad.

"Don't worry it's gonna be ok." I assure him. We get inside the bus and put him on a couch.

Zayn's POV

"I'm so sorry, man. I didn't mean to..." Josh apologizes again.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it." I cut him off and smile at him. He already feels guilty I don't want to make him feel worse. He smiles and pats my shoulder.

"The doctor is on his way." Paul tells me and after less than 10 minutes the doctor arrives. A white man with a blonde hair carrying a bag walks towards us.

"Hi, how are you feeling?" The doctor asks putting his bag on the table. Is he kidding me?

"I fell on my hand and it hurts."

"Okay let me check." he says taking my hand and starts moving it.

"OW" I scream and Merna who is sitting next to me rubs my back to comfort me. The boys are sitting on the couch in front of me and they look so worried.

"It's not that bad. It's going to be healed so fast don't worry." the doctor smiles at me. "I'm gonna put some stitches for two days then come again to check on you."

"But it hurts so bad." It does.

"Yeah that's normal because you just fell on it. It's gonna feel better." I sigh I really hope so.

The doctor has finished whatever the hell he was doing and left. The pain is getting less because of the pills he gave me and the stitches I guess.

"Thank god we don't have a concert today. You need to rest." Merna tells me.

"Best thing ever." I reply. I love to chill.

"Is there anything I could do for you?" She asks. She cares so much.

"No, thanks." I smile at her and she smiles back. I put my hand on her shoulder and pull her closer to me. She kisses my cheek and rest her head on my shoulder. We're best friends since ever and she always took care of me. She's like my fourth sister. she's even closer to me than my own sisters. She understands me and supports everything I do.

Louis and Niall went to take a shower and the rest of the crew went to their bus. So it's just me, her, Harry and Liam.

"Let's watch a movie." Merna suggests.

"Okay." I agree without even thinking because I'm bored.

"I can't. we're leaving in an hour." Harry says.

"Wait who is going with you and where are you going?" I ask him.

"Liam, Niall, Louis, Paul, Josh and Dan, to a night club." he says.

"I can stay with you if you want me to." Liam tells me.

"No, I'm fine. You guys have fun but don't get too drunk." I warn them. They nod with a smirk. Oh dear.

"Do we have popcorn here?" Merna asks.

"Yeah, I think it's with the cereal out there." I point at the mini cupboard in the mini kitchen at the end of the bus.

"That's perfect." She looks excited as she stands up and heads towards the mini kitchen.

An hour passed, the boys had left and Merna had everything ready to watch the movie.

"so, what do you wanna watch?" Merna asks going through the movies we have.

"I don't know, what do you have there?"

"The Hunger Games, The Vow, The Lucky One, The Avengers and The Hangover 3"

"They are all good, you choose."

"Let's watch The Lucky One." of course a romantic movie.

"Umm okay good"

She plays the movie and comes to sit next to me.


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