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That was the last thing I remember. Chronic and I were flying towards the Unova League, so we could retrieve Zekrom.
I was on my Talonflame, and Chronic was riding a Pidgeot.
When we were just around Victory Road, Darkrai appeared out of nowhere, and Chronic and I tried to fight him, but to no avail.
It was at that point Darkrai fired a Dark Void, aimed at Chronic. Not really thinking ahead, I flew in front of him, and took the hit. I was then knocked off of Talonflame, and I plunged into a nightmare filled sleep.

I was running through a dark forest. I had no idea where I actually was, or why I was running. I then ran into a clearing. Out of breath, I put my hands on my knees, and then looked up to see what was going on around me.
I wish I hadn't.
Lia was fighting Chronic, who had somehow gone Primal.
I watched in fear as the two fought. They seemed to equal each other in terms of strength, which deeply scared me.
Lia fired a Dark Pulse at Chronic, who easily countered with a Flash Cannon. He then rushed at Lia with a double Metal Claw at the ready, but Lia countered with a Shadow Claw, and managed to land a hit on Chronic.
He roared in pain, and readied a Roar of Time, ready to fire it at Lia.
I don't know how it happened, but the next thing I knew, I was a Palkia Pokehuman, and I had a Spatial Rend Charged up, aimed at Chronic.
We both fired our attacks at the same time. They collided, and and explosion with a ton of smoke ensued.
When all the smoke finally cleared, Chronic was on the ground. I rushed over to him, and kneeled by his side. "C-Chronic? A-are you-"
I was cut off as something hit me from behind, causing me to collapse and scream in pain.
I then heard Lia speak up. "Well, well...looks like I won, bitch," she said before kicking me, causing me to cry out even more.
As I was on all fours, I looked down, The entire ground was soaked...with my blood.
Lia then chuckled. "Now I can finally finish you off for good!"
She then fired an Oblivion Wing at me, and everything went black.

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