Chapter 2: An Overdue Explanation

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I completely blushed. "C-Chronic...I can explain!"
Chronic sighed. "I know you can, and you will," he said as he gently took me from N.
Scared of how he would react, I buried my head in his chest, and cried a bit. "Chronic...p-please don't be mad at me..."
With a sigh, he gently stroked my hair. " long as your explanation doesn't give me reason to believe that you've been...cheating on me, which I don't think you have been, you'll be okay, you hear me?"
I nodded and hugged him.

About ten minutes later, the three of us were in a room, sitting at a table. I was sitting next to N, as we were going to tell Chronic what had happened, and it just seemed right... And Chronic was sitting across from us.
Chronic sighed. "Do either of you have any idea how long this is going to take?"
"Why should you care? It's not like you have anywhere to be," N responded, sounding very annoyed.
I quickly looked between the two of them and sighed. "N, Chronic. Please stop fighting. I don't want things to escalate any further, alright?"
N gave me an annoyed look, and slightly pulled down his hat, something he does when agitated or emotional, and I wasn't quite sure what the reason was. "Whatever. Let's just get this over with."
I nodded in agreement. "Good idea. Let's."


The year was 2012.
Things were pretty peaceful, with the exception of Unova.
The whole ordeal with Team Plasma was going down, and the person who was to awaken Reshiram...her parents weren't going to give her up so easily. The only way Team Plasma was going to get her to awaken Reshiram was by kidnapping her.
And at the time, she just so happened to be in Undella Town with her parents, Cynthia and Steven Stone.

Sarah was in the ocean, riding her mother's Milotic. It was summer, which meant that her and her parents went to Undella Town for a few weeks.
Cynthia and Steven were relaxing on the beach, having a good time.
Cynthia then altered the way she was lying in the sand so she was facing Steven. "You know, I can't help but worry about this group that calls themselves Team Plasma..."
Steven sighed and gently ran a hand through her hair. "Cyth. You know we have nothing to worry about. Even if they do try to liberate our Pokemon, we won't let them."
Cynthia shook her head. "Steven, that's not what I'm worried about."
Steven looked at her, now clearly concerned. "Then what is it?"
With a sigh, Cynthia put her hair into a ponytail. "...I was watching the news this morning, and you know how Team Plasma is apparently  looking for the person who's supposed to awaken Reshiram, right?"
Steven nodded. "Yeah. I do. Have they found whoever it is yet?"
Cynthia slightly hesitated, but did nod. "Indeed. They have, and that's the part that bothers me. You see, they haven't specifically said who it is, but they have said that they live in the Undella Town area, and are a bit younger."
Steven then let that sink in for a moment before responding. "You know what? It can't be Sarah. If it was her, which I highly doubt, they would have said the person they were looking for was from the Sinnoh region, or something like that."
Cynthia shook her head with a sigh. "I know that, but I'm still really worried..."
Steven reassuringly ran a hand down her back. "If it worries you that much Cynthia, we'll keep a close eye on her. Alright?"
Cynthia sighed. "Alright."
Just then, Cynthia's Lucario, who was doing a bit of training nearby, ran over to the two. "Lu! Car! Lucario!"
Cynthia turned her attention to her Pokemon, a bit confused. "Hm? What is it Lucario? Is something wrong?"
The canine Pokemon nodded, and did a small maneuver with its Aura, communicating a message to Cynthia.
Said message was clear to Cynthia, as she quickly stood up. "Steven. We have to get back to the Villa. Now."
Steven was clearly surprised by her sudden action, and also got up. "Why? What's wrong?"
"Lucario told me that he thought he saw Team Plasma in the distance while he was training," Cynthia said in a hurried manner.
Sarah then came running up to her parents, Milotic's Poke Ball in hand. "Is something wrong Mom?"
Cynthia took the Poke Ball from Sarah, and smiled. "Not at all. We're just getting ready to head back to the Villa, that's all."
Sarah nodded. "Alright. I was actually going to come and tell you that we should probably head back. While Milotic and I were swimming around, we hear what sounded like a really loud clap of thunder, and we decided to come back ashore."
Before Cynthia or Steven had a chance to reply, a loud thundering sound that almost sounded like an engine starting up began, and that oddity was followed by another. The sun was then completely blotted out by some big, black Pokemon of sorts.
This caused most of the people who were on the beach to flee and head for shelter, but Cynthia, Lucario, Sarah, and Steven stayed put.
The roaring soon died down, and Cynthia quickly looked between her daughter and her husband. "Steven. Take Sarah back to the Villa. Lucario and I will handle this."
With a nod, Steven grabbed Sarah's hand, and the two of them began to quickly run off towards the Villa.
Lucario then quickly took a fighting stance by his trainer's side, a Bone Rush at the ready, wanting to protect her, and her family, at any cost.

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