chapter 31:bye

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"hey wanna go get our nails done before I leave for Hawaii I have 6 hours to kill"

"Yea I just gotta get dressed"

(Outfit of choice above)

"I'm ready let's go"

"What colour are you doing" Samantha asked putting her bags in the back

"I'm doing black cause I think black looks good with my gold bracelets and rings what are you doing?"

I'm doing a white because I like the color white" Samantha said laughing

We got our nails done which took hours because we also got Henna's then I dropped her off at the airport

"Bye" I say

"Bye" she says walking away

"Bye"I say again

"Bye"she said going through the metal detectors

I went home and watched pretty little liers and eat chocolate


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