Chapter 1: The Diary.

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Chapter 1: The Diary.

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September 2

"Charlotte! Wake up, you're gonna be late on your first day of school!" My mom practically screamed throughout the whole house. Why? Because today was the first day of High School. I was more scared than excited. But at this point there is nothing to be scare of. I'm actually glad that I'm entering a new stage of my life.

I think High School isn't going to be so bad. I mean I did had a lot of embarrassing moments in Middle School. When I say a lot, I mean a lot! One time I had to give an oral presentation about the use of surveillance cameras in public places, such as parking lots. The teacher wanted us to give our opinion freely if this was a good idea or a violation of privacy. In my opinion this was a good idea. You know, in case if something bad happens, the police could have clear  evidence of what had happened.

But to the innocent people who want their privacy it is definitely a violation.

Back then there was a girl who was very mean to everyone and had her little squad. They could've been easily spotted as the "Mean Girls". Anyways the girl was named....well I don't exactly remember her name but I think it was Hannah? I don't know. But she HATED me. A lot and I never knew the reason why.

That day was going perfectly fine; until it was my turn to present.
"Hannah" and I were in the same class. She, as always, was the teacher's pet. So eventually she went first and the teacher gave her an A+. I was the last one to present. The teacher called my name and I had everything prepared for my presentation. I thought I was going to do a great job. But I was wrong.


"Hello everyone! My name is Charlotte. Today I will perform my oral presentation about the the use of--"

"BORING!" I was cutoff by Hannah.
Everyone started laughing and I began to feel nervous.

"Ahhs I-I was saying *gulp* my pre--"
I was cutoff again. "Hey everyone! Since miss "Charlotte" is giving a boring presentation about video cameras, why don't we laugh a little bit." Hannah said with an evil look on her face.

A video started playing and everyone started laughing. Tears started running down my red face. And the worst part was that the teacher didn't stop her. She just looked at me in disbelief for no freaking reason. This was a disaster.

IT WAS HORRIBLE. And no, I'm not gonna tell you what was the video. It's bad enough the whole 7th grade saw it.

All the sudden a knock on the door woke me up from my thoughts.

"Charlotte. How many times do I have to tell you to get up!" My mom opened the door without asking. The knock was so sudden.

"And how many times do I have to say that I'm coming." I said to myself.

"What was that?"

"Um nothing! I'll be down in a bit." I said with a stupid smile across my face.

"Okay? Just don't take too long." The look on her face was priceless. I love my mom. Elizabeth Knight. She is like my personal superheroe. That woman does so much for this family. My beautiful mom is a single mom because my dad left right after my little sister was born. I have 2 siblings and thank god we are all girls. I mean imagine sharing a bathroom with a boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2016 ⏰

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