Chapter Five

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There was a small flick, a low humming, and then the blinding lights came on again. I was always in and out of it. What day was it? How long have I been here?

"Rise and shine." Dr. Driver was holding a metal tray when he came into view. "Time to eat."

I looked over to my left. Harry was knocked out.

"I hope you don't mind eggs. Here," He lowered a fork with a bite of scrambled egg. I couldn't refuse; I was starving.

Too soon he said there were no more eggs and walked over to Harry. I watched Driver as he rubbed a finger across Harry's forehead, checked his pulse, then wheeled closer to him a table.

I held my breath as Driver picked up a wipe and dragged it across Harry's abdomen a few times. It appeared as though Bradley was whispering to himself, his lips moving too quickly to read.

He reached onto his table and picked up a scalpel, then proceeded to make an incision across Harry's abdomen. I physically recoiled back but couldn't tear my eyes away.

A loud beeping filled the room, coming from a heart monitor I didn't know Harry was hooked up to. And then I realized I was hooked to one just like it. Fuck.

Driver then turned to me. His apron was bloody, his gloves bloody, his scalpel bloody. It was absolutely horrendous, and I couldn't help but let out a shriek of horror.

"Don't worry! I fixed him," He smiled gingerly and put the scalpel down. He took off his latex gloves and walked over to me. "Just like I fixed you." He ran his fingers down my jawline and pointed to my stomach.

I slowly lifted up my head up only to be quickly assisted by Dr. Driver who propped my head up with his own hand. Sure enough, there was a clean line of stitches across my stomach.

"What the hell did you do?!" I was glancing between the wound and his face. He wasn't understanding it.

"What had to be done, doll. I have to leave but your friend should be awake soon." He nodded and left. I was alone with the carved up body of Harry.

Is this all he's done to me? Or has he done more operations? And has Harry been forced to watch as well?

Being alone with my thoughts has always sucked, and being in a situation like this isn't making it any better. The only thing I could look forward to was Harry's wake.



I was already looking at him when he started coming around. "Harry, hey."

"I'm so tired. What happened? Are you all right?" I watched his eyes fall to the area of my stomach and I nodded.

"You had to watch, didn't you?"

His bottom lip started quivering. "We need to get out here." He said.

"You're telling me. I just watched him carve you like a Thanksgiving turkey." I half chuckled and so did he.

"We should get to know each other." Harry said. "There's not much to know about me, but why don't you tell me about you?" I asked.

"I'm Harry."

"Obviously. Go on."

"Well, I'm 22 years old. I live with my parents."

"What's your last name?" I asked him.

He hesitated, "Styles." I nodded and looked up at the ceiling. "That rich family, right?" I asked just above a whisper.

He sighed. "I knew you would say that." There was a long pause. I finally looked back over at him. He was toying with his wrist restraints.

"Harry, look at me." He turned his head to me but the clanking of his restraints still sounded. "We need to get out of here."

He sighed heavily and shut his eyes. I couldn't blame him. There was definitely an urgency of escaping, but the both of us were weak with a medical stabilizer coursing through us. So I shut my eyes as well, and just hoped when I opened them again I wouldn't find a new wound on my body.

A.N.: some relationship development. dr. driver is super spooky. thanks for reading!

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