Chapter 3

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I woke up in a cell. I was wearing a white hospital gown. I was sprawled on the ground.
I carefully rose. I tried to stand but I almost blacked out, so I settled for a sitting position.
There was a guard standing outside my cell. I got an idea.
Using the wall to help myself up, I stood and walked over to the guard.
"Hello," I said, my voice smooth.
The guard did not respond. I put my hand next to his head, not sure what would happen. Green wisps came out of my fingertips. The wisps weren't smoke, but they resembled it.
The green wisps entered the mans head through his mouth.
"Get me out of this cell," I said.
The guard hesitated, but he did as he was told.
As soon as that cell door was open, I knocked out the man with a swift punch in the face.
Then I ran.


That facility had no end. I ran until my legs could carry me no further. I still stumbled along, using the wall to hold me upright.
  I came across a door labeled Winter Soldier.
  I walked in. There were many guards and scientists were in there. I waved my hand and they all fell to the ground.
  I was surprised but also in a lot of pain, so my face conveyed barely any emotion.
  I noticed a big container with fogged over glass. At first I wasn't going to look. Then my curiosity got the best of me.
  I crept over. Well more like tripped over bodies and very non-gracefully made my way over to that thing.
  I wiped some of the condensation off the glass. There was a man in there. I wasn't sure what to do. Finally, I placed my hands on the glass and smashed the glass. I tried green wisp stuff. No luck there.
  The man immediately opened his eyes. He glared at me. That was about the time I realized he had a metal arm. That was also about the time a whole lot more guards and lab coat guys rushes in. I was quickly surrounded. Someone put a cotton bag on my head. And I was dragged away.
  Everything was only down hill from there.

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