Queen of Predacons

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The Predacon in stasis in the middle of the room was entirely covered in Stasis Crystal perfectly preserved like an insect in amber. Only there was a life signal coming from within the Crystal. Predaking and Violetwing couldn't believe their optics. There was a living Predacon that wasn't a clone. She had survived the cataclysm that wiped out the Predacon race. He slowly walked forward past Echo and the others stopping mere feet away from the crystal that held the other Predacon prisoner. "She is real.... Are you certain that she still lives within this Crystal prison?" Predaking asked

"Yes." Echo nodded.

Violetwing just looked at this stunned as well she looked over to Megatron who was amazed to see with before he looked at Echo "Do you know how to awaken her Echo?" he asked

"Not quite." Echo shook her helm. "We might have to break her out of the Crystal."

Predaking got closer and rested a servo on the Crystal, he thought for a moment before digging his talons into the Crystal. Within the Crystal the Predacon's optics snapped open, Violetwing suddenly backed away to it not wanting to get herself injured just to be safe Megatron just looked at the Predacon within the Crystal. The Crystal started cracking accompanied by the loud sound of splitting stone. Predaking backed away as the Crystal heaved outward. Dreadwing placed himself between Echo and the presumed danger. Violetwing backed up watching this she didn't know she had gotten really close to Megatron till he suddenly touched her shoulder she jumped looked at him before looking back at the Crystal.

It suddenly exploded outward and a deafening roar filled the room, Megatron continued to hold Violet's shoulder before he slowly moved towards the Predacon Violetwing just looked at him before she looked at the newly freed Predacon. The Predacon shook her helm violently and backed off of the Crystal, she looked up her optics trying to adjust but she just couldn't see clearly. She saw something moving toward her and gave a low warning hiss for whoever it was to stay away. Megatron stopped when she growled at her, Violetwing didn't like that this Predacon was acting like that to her master and she was ready to do anything if she went to attack him. The Predacon continued to back up and shook her helm some more, making a frustrated noise.

Predaking watched her carefully trying to decide whether to attack her or greet her. Violetwing sort of had the same feeling like Predaking did she didn't know what to do at this moment but try and protect Megatron if she needed to. Predaking debated for a moment longer before he transformed and screeched at the female Predacon. The Predacon's attention immediately snapped to Predaking and she roared back a challenge, daring him to try something. Predaking looked at her before he slowly moved towards her and he was on defensive he screeched again at her. She would not back down from a challenge. She flared out her wings her optics constantly trying to focus on who was there. She was being backed into a corner and she didn't like it. Once more she gave a challenging screech, as if saying 'prove your worth to me'.

Predaking growled before he went to attack her Violetwing knew that this might not end well remembering that she had lost to Predaking but she didn't know if this new Predacon was going to beat him or not she just stayed near Megatron as she watched, The Predacon lunged at Predaking coming at him with a sense, not like that of a beast, but as a highly seasoned warrior. Predaking was not expecting this as the Predacon came at him the way she did nearly falling over he glared at her and went to slash his tail at her face.

She dodged it and grabbed his tail in her jaws, clamping down and quickly throwing him across the room. Predaking growled in pain as he hit the wall he glared at her again extremely pissed off he got up and changed at her, she seemed to be charging up her fire breath as he charged at her. Predaking saw that he stopped and changed his to try and counter hers, she let her attack go, but what came out her maw wasn't flames. It was ice. Predaking's optics widened to that as her attack hit him he growled in as he tried to resist it Megatron, Violetwing and the other Decepticons' optics widened as well to see Ice and not fire from the Predacon it stunned them all Starscream was a little more scared to see this tho.

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