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After the night had pasted on the warship Violetwing had finally told Megatron of Razor and Optimus' agreement and it had pissed off the Warlord more than he ever had in a long time, Violetwing had spent the morning trying to keep her sparkmate calm but she was not getting any luck with it at all.

"Megatron please. Think of why you sought her out in the first place. What made you want to retrieve her? Think of what she is. Do you really want to go up against a force of nature like her?" Violet asked in her last attempt at calming Megatron down.

Megatron looked down at her as he slowly calmed down he sighed. "Sorry my love..." he said lowly.

Violetwing smiled before she pushed herself into him, Megatron smiled and wrapped his arms around her. "I love you..." she said lowly

"I love you too..." Megatron replied

Elsewhere at the Wheyr something was off. The air was tense and all the mechs were snapping at each other aggressively.

"Something is very wrong..." Snow stated uneasily to some of the other femmes.

Lunarclaw looked around. "I wish I knew..." she replied

"I don't like it. Something smells off too..." Windsong added to the train of thought as she watched some of the mechs start to shove each other around as they were getting increasingly aggressive, Predaking included in all this madness.

"Do you think..." Gecko asked

"It's what Razor warned us about?" Skyfan finished.

"If we didn't know before we'll soon find out." Softpaw stated quietly pointing to the mechs who were beginning to fight with Predaking.

Razor suddenly appeared punching several of them, knocking them out before the fight got too bad. The scent in the air got stronger and the remaining mechs' Optics lost focus.

"Predaking move! Let's go!" Razor said shoving him toward the exit as quickly as possible. "Windsong! Get the rest of these mechs under control before they go feral! You're in charge until Violetwing gets here!" Razor shouted. She was in heat.

The femmes nodded quickly and went to restrain the other mechs as Razor continued to push Predaking toward the outside.

"Predaking! Now! Or I leave your aft behind." Razor hissed and suddenly he wasn't interested in fighting anymore.

The two quickly left the Wheyr.

Razor's voice suddenly came over the comm to Violetwing on an emergency chanel. ::Razor to Violetwing. Predaking and I won't be around the Wheyr for a while. Predaking servos to yourself. Not here. We're going to need you to stay there and run things while we're gone.::

Violetwing suddenly blushed and Megatron felt and saw it in her faceplate. "A-alright Razor..." she replied

Megatron moved a little closer to her after she ended the com-link. "Violet?" He asked

Violetwing looked at him. "I... have to leave for the Whyer now..." she replied

Megatron looked into her optics. "Something wrong with it this time?" He asked

"Megatron I will not be returning here for a little while..." Violetwing replied

Megatron didn't know what she was meaning, and Violet saw that in her face. "Megatron my love, don't make me explain it to you again..." she continued

Megatron looked into her optics for a moment before he realized what she meant and blushed soon after. "Alright Violetwing you are needed there. Go now, I will see you later." He replied

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