chapter 3

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Picture above is Rosa

Eva pov

I drive for about two days straight without eating anything and lets just say im starving. I think a nice stop wouldn't hurt I've gone this far without anyone following me.

I stop at a diner and get down just as a truck pulls In.

I see a girl with brunette hair and beautiful blue eyes.

I walk in not minding her.

I sit at a booth while she sits in the booth infront of me.

"Hello what can I get you to drink" a waiter says

" can I have a cup of coffee" I say

"Yes and are you ready to order as well" he says

"Yes I will have two orders of your number two. a side of pancakes and a side of a lot of bacon" I say

He has big eyes

"And yes im going to eat it all" I say smiling I hear the girl in front of me laugh.

I smile at her back. I end up waiting for my big breakfast and lunch because I ordered burgers.

I see the brunette girl staring at my waiter suspiciously as if there was something wrong with him.

"Alright here is your two order of number two and some pancakes with some bacon" he says

He tries to walk away

"Excuse me I never got my coffee" I say

"Oh maybe because you don't need it" he says with black eyes.

All of sudden ten men came in and locked the door.

I see one of the man as the one at the party who was chasing me. All of a sudden I got really angry.

I grabbed my waiter and slammed his head in my food "all I wanted was coffee. Why couldn't you get me my coffee" I say while his head is bashed in bleeding i throw him to the ground.

I stare at the ten men "you ruined my breakfast. all I wanted to do was eat" I say while my eyes turning purple and all of a sudden there into ashes.

I hear clapping I see the brunette smiling "not bad remind me never to come between you and your food" she says

"Who are you" I ask

"Im Rosa and your Eva correct" she says

Im shocked "how do you know me. Do you work with them" I ask

"No im on your side" she says

"What do you mean?" I ask

"Its a long story you have to come with me. You were very hard to find I thought they already got you" she says

Im confused but I follow her to her truck.

"You have to come with me. Your not safe in your car your in now they know what your driving" she says

"How do I know your not lieing" I say

All of a sudden a guy with dark eyes come behind her she twist his arm and bashes his head in the window.

"Do you trust me now" she ask

"Fine but you owe me food" I say

"Oh my gosh woman you sure love your food" she says

"Who doesn't plus I haven't eaten in two days and lets say I get really cranky when I dont eat" I say

"Alright we can stop some where but we have to be fast" she says

While I close my door and she drives like a maniac note to self never get in a car where Rosa is driving ever again. I think to myself .

We finally stop at McDonald's and lets just say Rosa hooked me up.

"I love you" I say

"Do you say that to all the people you meet for the first time" she says

"Only the one who by me food" I say devouring a burger and fries while she laughs.

After I finished all my food "damn girl you sure can eat" she says laughing

"You've seen nothing yet" I say

" I bet" she laughs

She turns into the woods "awe how romantic " I say sarcastic

She laughs "you sure know how to impress a girl " I say

She pulls into a secret tunnel

"Where are you taking me" I say

"Don't worry your safe" she says

All of a sudden she stops I get out.

"Nice place" I say

"Thanks" she says

"So who are you" I ask

"I am number nine" she simply states

"Im confused " I say

" a long time ago we were created there was ten of us. We are meant to do something evil or good. Its written in stone and you my dear are number one that's why there after you" she says

"But then that means I have different parents" I say

"No its possible those are your real parents you were just gifted with the talent" she says

"What talent" I say

" well it each depend on the number where each gifted with some power no one has the same powers. its just that number one and ten are the strongest" she says

"I didn't ask for this" I say

"You think I did. Neither of us girls did. But there is true evil that wants to harm our kind and use us to destroy the worlds. They have the dark eyes" she says

"What are they called" I ask

"Saminos" she says

"Are they dangerous" I say

"No there not meant to hurt us there meant to bring us back to their master" she says

"But why are we picked" I ask

"We just are. Were chosen" she says

"By who" I ask

"I don't know I just know We must find the others before its too late" she says

"And if we don't" I ask

"If we don't get most of them we will be forced to turn evil by our own sisters" she says

"So we have two down eight to go how hard can that be" I ask

"Very hard the others are aware of there powers for some reason you don't know about it" she says

"That's not normal" I say

"No its not you must be the one" she says

"The one what" I say

"Another talk but its going to be hard to find the others there skillfully trained to hide from the Saminos " she says

"Which means" I say

"This is just the beginning to a long journey" she says

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