chapter 1

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Picture above is Eva

Eva pov (point of view)

"Hey babe how did I get with the most beautiful girl in the world" he says

"I don't know lucky I guess" I say

"Maybe I am the luckiest guy in the world" he says

"Maybe. you are lucky" I say

"I know" he said kissing me

"Well I got to go to class love you babe" he says

"I love you too" I say

Walking to my locker I thought that's strange he usually leaves when the bell rings. Maybe he had something to do

"Hey hey hey" Danny says

"Hey what's up beautiful" I say

"Nothing much just getting stressed for the chemistry test. Hey can I copy you again" Danny says

"Of course" I say

"Thanks girl so are you excited its the big game" Danny says

"Yeah im so excited" I say

"You and I know you hate cheerleading the only reason you join was because your best friend is on the cheer team and she persuade you" Danny says

"That is true Tatiana has a way with words" I say

"Yup remember she wanted me to join" Danny says making us laugh

We walk to chemistry and enter and take our seats. That's weird Evan should already be in here maybe his friends held him up.

We still have ten minutes

"Im going to look for Evan" I say

"He is probably hanging out with his boys. You know boys with there friends" Danny says

"Yeah your right so any plans this weekend D" I say

"I was going to ask you to come over my house this weekend" d says

"I would love to but Evan made plans for us this weekend" I say

"That's fine my offer is still on the table" she says

"Okay. Man Tata is never late" I say

"I heard my name and hear I am" Tatiana says

"Why are you late" I ask

"Duty calls" she says

"Well I hoped you used protection" I say

"Of course the Tata player always does" she says

Just then Evan comes in with his friends he gives me a kiss and sits in the back because Danny is already sitting next to me.

"Well I better get my seat" Tata says

I see Evan wink at her or maybe it was a smile I couldn't tell.

"Hello class whose ready for the test" he says

Everyone groins but me I was excited. I guess its because im really smart and also in the cheerleading squad.

The test is passed out and me and Danny are done so we both get to leave class early.

"So if you do change your mine we can watch Tim Burton movies and horror movies which are our favorites and pizza and junk food. we can go after the game" she says

"OMG D of course you sure know how to make my day. Evan doesn't know I like that stuff" I say

"Really" she says

"Yeah he takes me to romance movies and I have to say I like them" I say

We both laugh "well I know you better than anyone else we basically grew up like sisters" she says

"You got that right" I say

The day finished earlier than I thought. I got ready for the game and we won 50 to 0.

I meet Evan by his car "hey babe" he says

"Hey so are we still on for this weekend" I say

"Sorry babe I forgot can we do it next weekend" he says

"Yeah totally" I say

"Thanks your the best love you" he says

"Love you too"while he hurries up and gives me a quick kiss

Danny pulls up "I guess its me and you this weekend" I say

"Yay" she says

"Which I was hoping for anyways" I say

We go and buy our things "let me guess parents are each on there business trip" I say

"Yup for another three months it gets lonely" she says

"I know the feeling" I say

"Yeah I know let me guess your parents are too" she says

"Yeah for another six months. And it definitely gets boring there" I say

You see me and Danny get along. We come from the same families. Families that don't get along and are devoted into there work. So basically Danny is my true best friend we have been together since diapers. We know how it is to be alone.

"So have you heard about the TV show scream" she said

"Yeah it looks so cool" I said

"That's what were watching first" she says

"Have you watched it yet" I ask

"No i was waiting for you" she says

We finish the first season in one night. Were getting ready to watch hansel and gretel which is one of my favorite movies.

When I get a message from a unknown number. I open it and see Tatiana and Evan kissing again at some party.

I don't even cry anymore because this was his last chance.

"You okay e" d says

"why do I always fall for assholes" I say

"Let me guess another picture" she says

"Yup with Tatiana again. im done with boys forever I will never fine that one that make me feel special and different from the other girls. Its just impossible I always fall for assholes" I say

"He is out there" she says

"Yeah well I want him to be the hell away from me" I say

"You can't mean that" she says

"I do lets finish watching the movie" I say

My heart breaking a million other pieces. Because all ill ever be attracted to are assholes and they will all be assholes.

We finish and lay in our sleepover room on our phones I block Evan from everything and text him its over for good and im done with him and his bullshit and i disowned Tatiana as a friend and do the same and I tell her im done with cheerleading.

I lay down with the tears falling freely this is how my nights always end with tears falling from my face and me crying silently

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