Chapter Two

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Halo people !

New chapter !


I was so excited ! today was Saturday and it was the day if my One Direction concert , front row ,VIP ! ' little fangirl momento' . I got dressed in navy blue maxi dress and a jean jacket with the sleeves of. i straightend my wavy hair. I applied a but of mascara and that's it im probaly gonna sweat it off.


Me and justin were driving to the arena not far from here. we listend to the newest songs like gorilla by Bruno Mars and that sing it sick ! But then later on in the song I realised it was about making love...

Justin kept driving but I was forever to listen to his bands music and it all metal,punk,techno type stuff and it was so loud and not even good it gave me a head ache "hey justin can we stop by and get aspirin ?" I asked and I really did need it cause I wasn't joking about my head ache. "ugh fine " and he also muttered a ' jeez selfish much l' I just let it slide I didn't want to argue again.

When we arrived at the arena I was so exited I would get to meet my idols ! Including Niall! I was so happy and jittery . We were waiting to go in and tak our seats and there was this man with black hair and a mushtace selling food ( it's niall in disguise , if you've seen the 1D3D this is us you know what I mean ) and selling T-shirts . he seemed nice talking to fans and thing like that and I acutally was talking to him he seemed like a real nice man I figured out that him name was Mark. Later on he had to go , so did Me and justin . he pulled me into the arena and I mean litterly pulled my arm and dragged me to our seats and I got a red mark on my upper arm. jeez what's up with him lately all grumpy dumpy ? 'Period much ?' I thought to myself . I snickered cause I thought I was funny but probaly not cause justin says my jokes are stupid. That really hurts me , but hey there just jokes right ?

After talking to mark the line to head into the arena started moving . YES! I was so happy that the concert was soon to start . We got to our seats 10b and 10c wich was first row off to the side . justin didn't seem happy , im sure he'll lighten up when the concert starts . I hope.


After 5SOS played the boys came onstage . Liam did his little speech " Thank you Dublin for having us ! Also a thank you to the fans we wouldn't be here without you guys ! Nowww who's ready to get this concert started ?!! " The fans screamed including me . just was just stiff covering his ears . well then . They start of with 'What Makes You Beautiful'.

' Your turning head when you walk thru the do-oh-or' sang Liam . then came the chorus my favorite part of the song ! ' Baby you light up my world like nobody else the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed , you don't know oh oh you don't know your beautiful! ' they sand like angels " don't they sound so angelic ? " I asked justin " Noo they sound like a piece if shit ! especially the blonde !" Ok I got a pang of hurt in my chest . when they started singing little things Niall was on my side if the stage , I was so happy he's right there ! he sat down in the stage and was playing the guitar like an angel , plucking the strings . I started at him with amezment . when his solo came on we made eye contact , and kept eye contact . ' Eeppp ' when his solo was over he winked at me ! AT ME ! I smiled back . I could feel justin tense beside me gripping to my arm really hard and then he .. slaped me . why ? I don't know . probaly cause he was jelous and his slaps really hurt I've been hit before and the worst part is ..............



Niall saw

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