Chapter 5

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I sat outside of the cabin for a long while. I eventually lost count of time and just started staring into space. Once in a while I would hear a scream from inside because the healer was trying to take the bullet out of Warren’s chest. Apparently, it didn’t go all the way through and they had to dig it out. The healer said that it didn’t hit anything important and that he should live, but they wouldn’t know for sure until they got the bullet out.

Shaun, the first soldier, had gone back to guard duty, but he said that he would come and check on me when his shift was over.

While I sat there, I thought about the last time I had seen my parents. The Sniffs were separating us into age groups. They herded the crowd of demons with whips and snarls. It was one of the scariest experiences of my life. Probably because it was my first one. I was being carried by my mother and my father was carrying my brother. Soon, we were in the front of the line and my brother was being ripped out of my father’s hands. He was screaming and crying, but the Sniff that took him dragged him away.

Before they took me away from my mom she whispered something in my ear. “Take care of your brother and don’t give up. I love you.” Then she was gone and in her place was the snarling face of a Sniff. I didn’t freak out like James did and soon I was put into a jail cell filled with crying toddlers. I quickly found my brother who was crying in the corner. He was being comforted by two girls, who soon became two of my best friends, Gwen and Lara. The four of us stayed together while listening to the screaming demons all throughout the concentration camp.

Later, we met Warren and Xander. It was our first night there and the four of us were huddled together trying to keep warm. The Sniffs wouldn't give us blankets and it was very cold in that stone prison cell. The other kids had finally settled down, but they all stayed far away from each other. Soon, two little boys walked over to us and asked if they could sleep next to us. We all introduced ourselves, their names were Warren and Xander. We all fell asleep clustered together like penguins. I guess the other toddlers slowly realized that we were warm or something because when I woke up, every single kid in the cell was curled up with us.

The healer opened the door and gestured for me to come inside. I followed him in and I saw Warren lying on a bed. He was shirtless and had gauze wrapped firmly around his torso. He was fast asleep, but his breath was labored. I went instantly to his side and took his hand.

“He will live,” the healer said.

“Thank you for helping him,” I whispered.

“You’re welcome, but we found a problem,” he said. My head instantly snapped up.

Soldiers suddenly filled the room; all of them had rifles pointed at him.

“Move away from him Ricky or he could hurt you. He is a demon,” Shaun said. He was standing out front of the others and was looking at Warren’s hand in mine with a worried expression. I didn’t move. I knew I couldn’t tell them the truth without being shot, but I had to so that I could protect Warren.

“Why did you help him if he was a demon?” I asked, hoping to put off our doom.

“I heal everyone who comes through those doors no matter who they are, but that doesn’t keep me from calling for back up,” the old man said.

“Wait, did you know he was a demon?” Shaun asked. I looked at him and I came to a decision. Before I could change back, I saw myself in a mirror on the wall. It shocked me. I had straight brown hair and warm brown eyes. I smiled and my teeth looked human. I didn’t look anything like myself and that was probably why my friends had stared at me as I left.

I took a deep breath and watched in the mirror as my hair slowly turned frizzy and red, my eyes turned deep purple, and my teeth changed back to sharp points. I looked at the soldiers. They all looked shell shocked, especially Shaun and the healer.

“I’m sorry I tricked you, but Warren was hurt and I-” I cut off into a sob. I realized that Warren and I were going to die here, but I wasn’t going to let Warren die alone. The soldiers looked really confused. They had obviously never seen a demon cry before. I instantly wished that I could read minds like James so that I could at least know what they were thinking.

“I’m sorry Ricky, but we have to put you in jail,” Shaun said.

“I understand,” I said.

“We will also have to hang you,” he said.

“I know. I won’t fight you if you let Warren go,” I said.

“No,” I heard from beside me. It was Warren, he was awake. He sounded stronger than I expected him to, which I guess was a good sign.

“Warren, how are you feeling?” I asked while kneeling next to his bed.

“Don’t change the subject, I’m not going to let you die for me,” Warren said. He started to try to stand up, but the healer took a step forward. “Don’t stand up young man or your wound will reopen.”

“Well --- you. Why do you care?” Warren yelled. All of the men instantly snapped their guns towards him when it used to be half and half. Good job Warren, you made them hate you.

“Warren, I know you are hurt and everything, but please shut up,” I said.

“I’m not going to be that helpless person again,” Warren said angrily. I sighed and gave in with a shake of my head. We were facing death and Warren was going to try to get us out of it. Let alone the fact that he is not the nicest person in the world.

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