As a Robot

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"As a Robot"

Unconsciously, in deep slumber I doze peacefully,
With your hands caressing me so very gently.
Surrounded by your warmth, I fell to tranquility,
Meeting you was all I could ever wish truly.

Upon opening my eyes, I witnessed your face,
The creator who created me in a gentle pace,
Who held me dear in her arms like her own child,
Who gave me a place to call my home so fine.

She taught me how to crawl and stand,
She taught me how to run and jump.
Then, she taught me how to speak,
As programmed, I wish more to seek.

She gave me knowledge about the world,
Discover many things by a storm,
She gave me abilities of a talent,
I learned it by the time of a latent.

Whenever I see her full white teeth, my heart lightens,
Her eyes narrows slightly but she her glow brightens.
What is this feeling I wonder?
When she does that, my heart grows fonder.

That was when, she told me I bear feelings.
And that feeling was my happiness level rising.
There are moments when I saw tears coming out of her eyes.
My heart sinks to my stomach and my happiness dies.

It's called sadness where I feel so blue and gloomy.
There was a time I broke the vase blatantly.
She started shouting and yelling at me, I broke into tears.
It was the the feeling of dejection and fear.

But most of the time, I feel warm around her,
She gave me a very lovely shelter.
I feel safe and secure around her.
Because she told me she loves me for the better.

However, as the years went by, another robot was born after me,
She grew fonder of that robot and put less attention to me.
I felt a dark feeling swirling around my heart that makes me steam.
It was the feeling of jealousy and anger on the brim.

Out of rage, I started a fight with that robot.
Clearly, I had more experience, I was better robot.
The results were guaranteed that I was the winner.
I thought that if I had dominated, I will the attention from her.

But, she became angrier at me and scorned at my victory.
If she gritted her teeth, her nose were flaring like crazy.
She was enraged for almost destroying the other robot.
She punished me, hurt me, and said that it was a form of lesson.

I don't understand why she prefers the weaker robot.
This put me in confusion as I tried seeking for an answer.
But, I just had to gain her attention again.
As the years went by, I trained and trained for more talents to gain.

I was better than everybody, truly outstanding and amazing.
I showcased it all to my creator and left her surprising.
She was happy just as I wanted but, she never looked at me the same.
She always looks at the other robot more than I can name.

More than feeling fury, I was depressed utterly.
I did everything I could to be noticed deeply.
I cried my eyes out as my heart was squeezing.
It pains so much, I was very much suffering.

From that moment on, I had give up on her.
I went on a deep search for a new master.
Be it betraying her or not, I didn't care.
All that matters to me was to forget this pain.

I found several masters and taught me all forms of knowledge.
It was dark, hideous and grotesque.
I was everyone's learning robot in the moment,
From a white color to a black one on the onset.

Kill, murder, and all those dark thoughts are in my head,
Surprisingly, I grew attached to that matter as I said.
I see a grin on my lips while I witness that dread.
"Have I become a demon?" I said.

From my creator's teachings, I should always follow the light,
But from my perspective, there's no way it's right.
I have constantly asked for help but, it was no use.
Somewhere out there, can someone help me while I'm confused?

I felt so dark, cruel and evil..
I'm frightened but at the same time excited.
What has become of me?
Will someone ever save me?

The values I've learned, the teachings I was taught,
Where have they gone to? Were they drought?
I'm scared, creator.. Save me, listen to me.
My head is not functioning well..

My program is a mess, creator. Please fix me.
There are a lot of feelings in my heart that are jumbled,
Everything inside me is tangled..
I'm confused, creator.. Please fix me.

I want to be saved, creator. Believe me, I do.
But, I also feel like I don't give a damn anymore than I do.
This is so complicated, creator.. Help me..
I beg you.. Will someone please fix me?

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