Self-insertion in stories

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A-k.  So you've found yourself writing a story, have you?  That's good!  No, that's more than good--that's great!  Really, good on you!  

So I suppose you've got yourself a favourite character, have you?  That's great!  So you do.  Tell me: what is this character like?  Are they funny, loud, sarcastic, shy?  Perhaps they're a hopeless romantic, or a bombshell dragon-slayer.  Either way, keep your character description well in mind as we go through this journey of character-discovery. 

Well, then, I'm supposing you've got a name for this character, then, hmm?  Once more, tell me: how much do you like the name you've chosen?  Is it a name you'd consider giving to one of your future children?  It is, is it?  Is that so?  

Does this character's spunk resemble your own in any way?  Maybe they react colloquially to you in certain situations.  Say, for instance, you're walking home from school one day when you run into this scene:

Five young boys are ganging up on a kitten, pelting it with rocks ranging anywhere from pebble to palm-sized.  Be honest with yourself: what would you do?  Got it?  'Kay, now, what would your character do?  Something heroic?  Brave?  Nonviolent?  Perhaps they delivered some good ole vigilante-style justice.  How differently do you and you character's reactions stack up against each others'?  

(On a side note:

It's alright if you don't quite know this yet.  It's natural.  Just realize that, before you even think about writing your story, you must  know your character inside and out.)


If your character is a side character, then imagine your story without said character.  Do you no longer feel the will to continue your story?  Does it feel empty in some way?

This is a telltale sign that you've likely created a Mary Sue.  If you develop an unhealthy dependence on a non-main character to continue your story, you've gone too far.  If said character is the only one you typically ever pay mind to (or want to write about), you should probably take it from the top and reboot everything.  This might seem a bit drastic, but trust me: it's worth it.  I've done this before, in fact.  And it ended up leading to the creation of one of my most beloved stories of all time.  (Well, sort of.) 


Is your character good-looking?  What's their figure like?  Is it one you wish you had?  What about facial structure?  Hair colour?  Eye colour?  (Note: Alexandria's Genesis is not real.  Unless it's normal within the realms of the story, your character should not have purple eyes.  Or any other unnatural colour, for that matter.)  

Not that your character can't have a nice body, but if they eat and eat and eat and still have a perfect hourglass/ muscular figure--that's extremely unrealistic.  They can be thin, but don't make them perfect gods/ goddesses after eating three meat-lovers pizzas all by themselves.  That's not how high metabolisms work.  

How does said character dress?  Nicely?  Maybe they wear combat boots, skinny jeans, and a band tee. Is that how you wish you dressed?  Have you been coveting that pair of Hot Topic boots for months now, but your mom just won't let you buy them?  Hmm... 


Okay, let's cut to the chase: don't insert yourself so far into a character that said character literally becomes your desired self.  Or alter ego, or whatever.  

I mentioned earlier that I've done this before, right?  Well... prepare yourself, 'cause this is pretty cringe-worthy.  

NAME: Nozomi Yousei Nakahara

LOOKS (prepare yourself, this is pretty bad): Yousei is a fairy (*rolls eyes*), sporting waist-length ombre red-to-blue hair with heterocoloured eyes; one red, one that changes colour(s) (A/N: teHY SWirl ALl DIFFernt COLors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) depending on her mood.  She's short (around 5'2"), and stick-thin.  She's very pale (for even worse reasons I'll delve into later), and can be seen mostly wearing a beige floral sundress and combat boots. ONLY wearing a beige floral sundress and combat boots.  Oh, and she also wears a little bow on the back of her hair.  (A/N: buTT shE DOEsn't SEmlel, gross i SWear!!!1111111111)  She is, of course, exceedingly beautiful, what with her rose-kissed cheeks and all.  

INTERESTS: Often finds herself flying up into a castle in the sky to play the piano.  She never learned, yet plays well.  She also spies on people a lot, but they don't know it.  She can also be found roaming around a graveyard (it's where she sleeps at night), and, uh... that's about it.  .-.

PERSONALITY: Yousei is a soft-spoken, if pessimistic-type person/ fairy/ whatever the f--k that doesn't get along well with others.  (Yawn.  Where have I heard that before?)  She beats everybody to all the wittiest remarks, and tends to be very angst-y.  She has no room in her heart for hate of anyone else but, for some inexplicable reason, everyone else hates her (with the exception of the other main-ish characters, of course).  She also, because of her magical fairy powers, figures out the entire plot before everyone else.  (Keep in mind: she is not the main character.)  She's also the only one to survive to the end of the story.  (-.-)/  (What on Earth was I thinking?)

BACKSTORY (oh good lord, this is... inexcusable): Yousei is the daughter of a charismatic serial killer and rapist that kept her mother locked down in the basement until she figured out how to set the trailer/ house on fire with her magical fairy powers to save herself.  Yousei tried to save her mother (even though she hated her), but failed.  She feels guilty for it to this day.  Her father is still out to get her (though she doesn't know it yet).  She has been raped, tortured, abused, and broken, yet still stands strong.  (On the outside, at least.  On the inside, OMg shE"s SEW BROKejn U GUUUUUUYYYYYYYYYYZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!11)  






Alexandria's Genesis is Not Real (& Other Sue-ish Traits) + Character ReviewsWhere stories live. Discover now