Chapter 4

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I want home to find my dad waiting for me with his I'm going to kill you look on his face. I knew I was going to be grounded I'll just make up a lie and tell him that we had gotten lost and we
found someone to help us,who am I kidding no one is walking around in Wellfleet this late because this is a really quiet part of town oh no what am I going to tell him.
Dad: Sarah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes daddy
Brian: What do you think you're doing out past your curfew.
I'm sorry daddy I got lost and I didn't know where to go until I finally found a familiar road that took me to our house.
Dad: why don't you just save your story for the morning and go to your room

Isn't my room yours and Mama's room to so technically I'm in your room to.

Dad:Sarah I don't need an attitude from you go to bed.

Ok good night.

The next morning
Mom: Saha get in here now
Oh great my tattletale of a dad told my mom,know I know that I am in deep
trouble. Mom I know I'm in trouble for staying out too late I'm sorry I just to tell you the truth I got lost track of time .
Mom: Sweetie I understand that the only thing I'm mad about is that you would lie to your father.

Mom if she's the tiniest little lie I only stay about a half an hour late it could've been worse I could've stayed there for the whole entire night.

Dad:OK sweetie I'm sorry I guess I did overreact
Mom: I want to meet this guy he met last night do you think you can call him to see if we can meet him.

OK Mama just let me eat breakfast and get ready.
This time for breakfast I had oatmeal with strawberries and raspberries.
Ugggg what am I gonna wear today I have to look good for my I guess now boyfriend. Today I'm going to be wearing my navy blue crop top with my denim booty shorts.

Dad: honey we're going to let our daughter go outside looking like a slut

Mom: honey he is going through phases just let her do what she wants

Mom I heard what you said I am not going through phases it's called being a teenager.
I better go call Brian
Yo Brian do you think we could meet up today I parents really want to meet you.
Brian:Where do you want to meet up
Why don't we meet up in the center of town by Hatches at 1.
Brian:OK sounds good

OK mom we're going to meet Brian at one in the center of town by Hatches

Mom: OK sounds like a plan. I can't wait to meet him.
OK mom just please stompers me that goes for you too dad.

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