Chapter 6

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A/N Anthony is now living with his grandma because well you'll see why. I hope you enjoy this chapter i know i havent updated in awhile but ive been busy sorry guys.

Anthony's POV:

I really do like Ian but I'm not gay I like girls and only girls. I try to get my mind off Ian but nothing works. Suddenly my phone vibrates. I pick it up see a text from Ian. I havent seen him in days. I really dont want to talk to him after the day i called him beautiful. Im not gay and I dont like Ian he's a gay fag. I began to silently cry. "Why do you do this to me Ian Hecox?" I whispered into my tears. My phone starts to go off again. I look at it and this time hes calling me i finally decide to pick it up.
"What do yoy want Ian?" He pauses.
"Are you mad at me?"
"Yeah you gay fag!" After i said that he started crying.
"Okay bye."
"Ian i didnt mean it." There was no answer he must have hung up. What did i do i just lost my friend. I buried my face into my pillow and started crying. I dont know what to do anymore.

Ian POV:

Anthony's right i am a gay fag i might as well kill myself. I walked into the bathroom and grabbed my razor and thought to myself. "I just have to cut deep enough." Just as i was about to do it the doorbell rang. I put my razor back in it hiding place and walked to the door. I slowly opened the door and a man was standing there. I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back even tighter then whispered in my ear.
"Ive missed you so much Ian."

AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH CLIFFHANGER!!!!! Sorry guys i just had to do it heres a hint on who its is.
Hes not always on the gamebangs. 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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