part one

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Just so you know.. this is not my main ships but they just look together and they my rare ships ...ok thanks and enjoyy ..

"hey, did you know about this blog? this guy and his boyfriend are super cute" the girl squel as she show her friend the blog she mentioned from her phone. " serendipity "was the blog name.

it was a popular blogs that was owned by oikawa tooru and his boyfriend, Ushijima Wakatoshi. Oikawa is a college students that currently in his final semester as a fashion designer students and also a full time blogger. meanwhile, his boyfriend ushijima is a ceo of a book company and a farmer on his free time (ㆁωㆁ*).

it's mostly oikawa that usually post in the blogs but ushijima do post a few things every now and then talking about his fruit and vege and sometimes about their every day life. it was only after oikawa give him the "silent treatment" so ushijima agree to oikawa.

for some people, it's weird that ushijima in a relationship with oikawa since oikawa is a annoying sass princess sometimes while ushijima is clueless that make people thought that he is too innocent for oikawa but for some, they were perfect for each other. since they are opposite, it what makes them were made for each other and it's cute how oikawa looks like a spoiled brats since ushijima spoil him too much.

how they meet? well it kinda looks like it come out straight from a shoujo manga. coincidence? not really. fate? maybe.

"so today i will give you your final thesis subjects and I'm sure some of you would find this easy" the professor said with a mocking tone like seriously you don't have to be that "dramatic" just to give us our assignment, oikawa rolled his eyes at how annoying the professor sound but since it's literature and it's his second most favorite subject after fashion design he just have to bare with it. "you will need to do a report on any publishing company that you like" one company immediately came to oikawa's thought, UW Publish. it was oikawa favorite book publishing company and he determine to write about it.

"urmm sir" someone raised his hands caught the professor attention "yes bokuto?" he said to the boy who raised his hands "do we have to interview the company?" everyone attention is now on the professor even oikawa, the professor sigh before answering "no you don't have to interview the company..... because building can't talk" the professor remarks causing everyone in the class to broke out in laughter "you just have to interview the owner of the company,ceo or maybe a staff that works in the company anything or anyone that could help you with your reports... and that's all for today" oikawa pick up stuff and walk out the door and went to his favorite coffee shop, getting started on his reports.

"ok mr. google, show me your magic" oikawa said as he search up about uw publish before he felt a slap on his head "iwa-chan~~~ how about a normal hello or hi instead of slapping my head" the said boy laugh and sit at the opposite from oikawa "but it's more fun that way, so uw publish hah?" oikawa nodded and show him his laptop.

"it's for my final reports" iwaizumi nodded sipping on his coffee "so how's college and your boo?" iwaizumi shruggs "it's ok i guess and calling kuroo as my boo won't do any good" oikawa laugh at iwaizumi answered he always thought they look good together but kuroo already have a boyfriend and he only friends.

oikawa writers down his questions onto his notebook and wrote down the company numbers in his phone before dialing it "urm hello is this uw publish, I'm oikawa tooru from nekoma college amd i woul- no, but- dang she hang up" oikawa huffed his cheeks and decided to call again after 5 more attempt and 5 more rejection he decided to give up. "why don't you try again tomorrow?" oikawa nods taking his last piece of red velvet "i guess i should, let's go home iwa-chan i have no motivation left to do this" iwaizumi knock his head again, causing the brown hair boy to whines before they both made their way home.

* at home *

oikawa log in into his blogs and decided to write down about what have happen to him today. oikawa own a rether popular blogs call serendipity where he usually talks bout fashion, life and his traveling hobby since he sometimes paid to do a review he make a decent living to support himself.


hey guys, it's oikawa miss me? (≧▽≦) sorry that i haven't post anything for a while because i was to busy with my final thesis. so for my finals assignment in literature i need to do a reports on any book publishing company so i decided to do reports on this publishing company that happens to publish my favorite book, everything was great so far, mr. google amd miss wiki was being a bae but then it happens. i call the company to maybe interview someone but they keep rejecting me like bish please, i came in peace don't need to be so roOd. so right now i have no idea what to do and it's killing me. Ok that's all for now excuse me while i buried myself.
Love, Totoru.

oikawa publish his story and slumped on his bed, he thinks wether or not he should went to the company and directly meet the ceo or anyone but he knows he can't do that since the company might report him. before he knew it a ding was heard from his laptop indicates someone had send him a messages from his blog. he open his dm and saw he got one from someone name ushi_wa

may i ask which publishing company?

it's UW Publish (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

sorry that they ignore your calls but i work there. how about tomorrow we met at this coffee shop near the company and i can take you around the company?

❤(ӦvӦ。) oh my god, seriously?? thank you so can i ever pay you backk٩(♡ε♡ )۶. how about 10a.m tomorrow?

haha i ask for it after you done with your thesis and sure.. meet you at 10. here's my number xxxxxxxxxxx

oikawa couldn't get any happier, finally his luck came back. he save this ushi guy numbers into his phone, closed his laptop and trying to doze off. he can't wait for tomorrow to come any faster and met his savior.

a poke wake oikawa to reality "babe you daydreaming again" ushijima poke on oikawa cheeks getting his attention, oikawa smile and hug ushijima on the side "sorry, i was just thinking that's all" ushijima kiss oikawa forehead and lay his heads on oikawa shoulder, they was just finish having dinner and catch some movie just like they always did. "thinking about when we first met" oikawa laugh before ushijima joining him "you look so cute though. i didn't know you were that clueless" oikawa hit his chest when he remember how it all goes "and remember when.........

Soo sorry if it's lame and confusing.. and thanks for the other haikyuu character that appear as cameo in this heheeehe... idk why i do this tho, sometimes idea came and it won't leave until i wrote it down like this book, after seeing any photo or video this happens quite often.

I'm gonna post the second part later... i want to do this like a one-shot but suddenly it took a wrong turn, from one-shot i have to change as two-shot so yea.. hope you guys enjoy..

I want to post as many book and continue on one of my previous book as many as i can before i went back to college tomorrow and since finals gonna start in a few months and assignment are keep piling I'm afraid i won't have time .... thanks for liking and view this story...

Love, Yuko-chan

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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