stay with me?

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2 days later*
"bye Mrs.dolan" I said as me and ethan walked out of his house. "ready?" he asked me putting his arm on my shoulder "as I'll ever be"I responded. we were driving down the road we passed my house, I looked down at my feet. "hey you ok lyss?" ethan asked putting his hand on my thigh, my heart fluttered when he called me that, he used to call me that when we were younger...

ethans pov
"yea" she responded looking at my hand. I quickly moved it away. "soo where do you want to go first when we get there? I asked changing the subject. "I don't know I'm cool with anything" "ok well just get you settled in tonight and hang out and then I'll take you to the boardwalk and the beach" "ok cool" she said looking at her phone
hours later*
we finally got back to my place and I was stoked to have alyssa staying here. "GRAY GET IN HERE" I yelled he came running down the hall and tripped "smooth" alyssa said laughing. gosh she's so cute "ALYSSA" grayson yelled  practically tackling her. she was dying of laughter " i missed you too gray!" once they were all caught up we gave alyssa a tour of the apartment "so where am I staying?" she asked "oh well uh.. I didn't really think this through but you can have my bed and I'll sleep on the couch" "it's cool ethan I'll sleep on couch" "absolutely not your the guest" "ok whatever you say" she said laughing.

alyssas pov
"let's watch Freddie crouger" I said excitedly. "are you sure" Ethan asked "yes you idiot I love scary movies" he chuckled. halfway into the movie Grayson was asleep and Ethan was curled up in a ball, freaked out. I decided to scare him so I told him that I was going to get more snacks but when I came back I went around the other side of the couch and went up behind him and said "BOO!" "AHHHH" he screamed "I uh-I mean ahh" he said in a lower "manly" voice. "yea sure" I rolled my eyes dying of laughter. a few minutes later I got tired "hey eth I'm tired I'm gonna go take a shower and head to bed ok?" "what?! you're leaving me here? by myself?" he complained "you have Grayson scaredy cat" I said pointing to gray who was passed out on the floor snoring hella loud. "ok but if I get murdered I blame you" he yelled down the hall as I flipped him off.
After shower*
when I was done in the shower I went to go change but all of my clothes were dirty so I just grabbed one of ethans shirts that was like 10x too big and my spongebob slippers. I went to the living room to check on the boys but it was pitch black and I didn't hear gray snoring anymore. that's weird I thought to myself "Ethan? Grayson?" I called out I was getting worried until I felt two sets of arms around me "AHHHH" I screamed but they threw me on the couch and tickled me "ah stop stop" I said laughing. "this is revenge for earlier" Ethan said even though the light s were off I could tell he was smirking. sly little fuckboy. they finally stopped tickling me and turned on the lights. "woah bro dope shirt" Ethan said in a weird voice. "what are you talking about look at her shoes!" Gray said laughing. "you guys suck" I said walking to ethans room "goodnight alyssa" they said at the same time "wtf that was so creepy"

Grayson's pov
me and Ethan were sitting on the couch watching vines and talking when out of nowhere we heard Alyssa scream. we ran to ethans room to find her crying

Ethans pov
"woah woah what happened" I asked her i gave gray one of those I got this looks and he just smiled and winked and walked out. "I had a bad dream" she said looking at me. I wiped her tears "hey it's going to be ok lyss" it killed me to see her like this "you wanna tell me what happened?" "uh.." her voice trailed off and she looked down " oh" I said a little hurt that she didn't trust me. "let me know if you need anything" I said walking out. "Ethan wait" I turned around "stay with me?" she asked giving me puppy dog eyes "how could I say no" I smiled. she scooted over and patted the spot on the bed next to her I laid down and got comfy, our backs facing each other. I was almost asleep when I heard a faint "ethan?" "yea" "it was about my mom and dad" she said quietly. "I'm sorry" I said. that's all that she told me before she fell asleep

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