Ch 8: Practice (p2)

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(a:n their demon eyes is in the multi media)

Crystal's POV

When ice clap her hands,i immediately go to the center.

Because we're going to practice one by one and the others watching us.

I moved my hands in the air and control the wind and made a small tornado.

"Unnie becareful"our maknae informed I just nodded

When I finished my wind powers,i practice my water powers and control the water in the bottle.

I moved my hands and made shape and a shield in the water.

And something came in to my mind.

"Yahhh"jewelry shouted

"Unnie"both Bryn and Aurora shouted

"Yah unnie what are you thinking?"storm asked annoyed.

But I laughed my ass of the look on their face.

If you're wondering,i just control my water power in their direction and splash it to them.

Nevermind ice because she can block my powers -_-

"Pali~ control your last powers"ice said in her natural cold voice

"Ok"I answered and stomped my feet just to make them all fall from where they're sitting.

"Ouch"storm said touching her butt.

"You didn't inform us"jewelry whined

Bryn and Aurora just sat again.

"Good job crystal,next"ice compliment me.

And I sat next to her.

Jewelry's POV

"Wait,i will call our bodyguards" Aurora said and dialed her phone

Our bodyguards walked in and I started my powers.

I walked to them and looked at them in eyes.

And start to ordered them.

Well my powers is seduction.

Well if I look to someone's eyes they will be seduct by me and I can start to ordered them,thats my power.

"Ok,next"ice shouted and our bodyguards are back to their senses.

Storm's POV

I stand in the center and start my powers.

Little by little something light and electricity came in to my body and I start to control it and strike the lighting in our glass.

"Ok that's enough,next"ice said and I stop my lightning power.

Bryn's POV

I start my power when ice Unnie clapped her hands.

I start to make flame balls and my body starts to flame and I start to get our place into fire when ice Unnie stopped me and I came back to my normal self.

"Ok stop now,next"ice Unnie said and crystal unnie starts to water the flames I made.

Aurora's POV

When i start to walk in the center that's when I felt nervous.

"Ok you may start now"ice Unnie said

I start to froze the flower beside me and it starts to die because of too much cold.

And I start my next power.

I stop the time but I didn't stop my unnies in the time.

And I successfully controlled my power and came back to our sit.

Next is Ice unnie.

Ice's POV

"Crystal protect them,if I lose control"I said and she nodded

I start to use my telekinesis to get the things and I placed them back in their old place.

I used my healing powers to heal the flower that Aurora killed.

I used my teleportion to go to different places in our mansion.

I used my wind and fire powers and stopped them immediately.

I used my flight to fly in the air and I forced myself to bring out my flying dragon and it's successful but I brought back my dragon inside before we broke the mansion.

I shift in our bodyguards body and my cousins are in awe but me I'm not because I'm too dangerous.

Well of you want to know what is my power,it is:

Mind controlling
Strong senses
I can see future
I can shift any forms
I can copy other powers.

That's my powers.

But there is something similarities in our powers it is telephaty and reading minds we all have that power.

But I'm not happy because of my powers because I'm dangerous.

That's what I think about myself.

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