life changing

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Grace's POV

I wake up to the bus driver shouting over the loudspeaker that we reached our destination. I grab my only belongings, a backpack on the seat next to me, mumble a quick 'thank you' to the driver and step out onto the streets of Los Angeles. I look around and see that all the people that hopped off the bus with me all know where they are going...all except for me. Swinging my backpack over my shoulder I start walking to the nearest drugstore for a map. I open the door, the little golden bell ringing as I enter and the owner waves at me. I wave back and head over to the map section. Finding what I need I reach into my back pocket for a wadded $10 bill.
"Hello." The young man says as I place the map on the counter. He looks only a year or two older than me and has jet black hair and chocolate brown eyes.
"Hi." I reply.
"I don't believe I've seen you around here before."
"Oh yeah. I'm new around here." I try to act nonchalant.
"You just move here?"
I shake my head. "Just touring."
He hands me the map with the change. "Well there's a lot to see."
"Thanks and yeah."
"Hope to see you back sometime. Enjoy the city."
"Thanks again."

I unfold the map and stare at all the symbols indicating places and roads. I'm not entirely sure why I bought the map in the first place because I didn't have a clue where I was going anyway. A feeling of overwhelm sweeps over me. I'm scared. No where to go. No one to call on. I'm alone. I spot a sign that says 'park' a few blocks away and decide to walk in that direction. At the park I see a playground on one side and trails through a patch of woods on the other. Not knowing where else to go I run as fast as I can down one of the trails, the tears streaming down my face blurring my vision, my emotions spilling out. I continue to run not seeing the woman jogging my way. I crash straight into her and we both tumble to the ground.
"Oh my gosh I am so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going!" I offer my hand to help her up.
"No that was my fault for not paying attention." She replies taking my hand. She looks at me.
My jaw drops open as I see who it is. "Gwen Stefani?! Oh I am so sorry I feel terrible! Are you okay?" I ask apologetically. Great she must think I'm an idiot.
Instead she laughs good-naturedly. "Never been better!"
"I am such a fan! You're songs have such a powerful message." I try to wipe my smudged face, tears and all.
"Aww thank you. What's your name sweetie?"
"I'm Grace." I say wiping my face again.
"Well it's nice to meet you Grace." She smiles but it quickly fades as she notices the tears staining my cheeks. "What's wrong?"
"What? Oh nothing I'm fine."
"You were really upset about something and crying when I saw you." She takes my hand and motions for me to sit down on an empty park bench. Not knowing what else to do I follow her and sit down. She takes a seat beside me. "What's wrong?" She repeats gently.
I could lie. I wouldn't want to worry her anyway. But for some reason I feel like I need to tell her the truth. Like somehow she would understand me. I desperately need to tell someone. I can't keep it to myself. "I-- I ran away from home...well foster home." I blurt out the words spilling out of me fast like an exploding volcano. "I couldn't take it anymore." My lip trembles. "The kids always teased me about being so skinny and dumb. They beat me up and..." I stop there, embarrassed, ashamed.
"Baby come here." Tears glisten in her eyes as she wraps her arms around me and holds me tight. I hug her back. She's warm and inviting. I close my eyes for a moment, wanting to just forget everything except for the safety of Gwen's arms. After a few minutes I stop trembling and let go of her looking into her soft brown eyes. No words can describe her beauty. I think for sure that she must be an angel. "Thank you Gwen." I squeeze her hand. "I think I'm okay now."
She stands up. "Good then let's go."
"Let's go home."
"What do you mean?"
"Do you know where you're going?"
"No." I reply sheepishly.
"That's what I thought. If you  think that I'm gonna leave a young teenage girl on the streets all alone, you're crazy."
I almost start crying again. She would be willing to take me into her home. I don't have to say 'thank you' with my mouth for my eyes show my gratitude.
She hugs me again talking excitedly about the boys and her boyfriend Blake and how much I'll love them and they'll love me...

Blake's POV

I watch the three kids: Kingston, Zuma, and Apollo while Gwen jogs. Z and Apollo hang out by the play structure while King and I toss a football back and forth.
"Da--Bwake wook!" Apollo shouts scurrying over to me with a grasshopper in his hands.
I grin impressed. "Woah that's hard to catch one of them suckers!" I say as he lets it go.
Apollo nods proudly.
"Should we go find mama?" I ask glancing at the time.
The boys nod.
"Zuma c'mon!" I yell.
Just as we begin walking I spot Gwen heading in our direction but she's not alone.
King looks up at me. "Who's that Blake?"
"I'm not sure."
King starts running over to meet them and Apollo follows.
Zuma comes from behind and tugs on my shirt. "Race ya!" He shouts running off.
"What? A head start? No fair!" I laugh easily overtaking him with my long strides and swoop him upside down tickling him. He shrieks with laughter. I set him on my broad shoulders for a ride. Gwen waves as we catch up. The boys hug her.
I look at the teenage girl beside her and give her a warm smile. "Howdy."
She returns the smile. "Its such an honor to meet you Mr. Blake Shelton."
"You too..."
"You too Grace." Turning to Gwen I ask her, "how was your jog?" But I don't wait for an answer as our lips crash into each others. I barely hear the boys laugh, my only thought being how lucky I am.
"Boys, this is Grace. She's gonna be staying with us for awhile."
I feel a connection with her already which is good.
"Hey Grace!" The boys say.
Grace holds out her hand for them to shake. "Nice to meet you."
"Pwaymate pwaymate!" Apollo bounces up and down. We all laugh. The five of us walk back to the mini van. The boys and Grace run ahead.
Gwen whispers in my ear. "I'm sorry to have surprised you like this. But if you knew her story..."
I hold up my hand and she stops talking. I hold her chin with my hand and kiss her slow and passionately. "But are you sure you're okay with this?" She asks worriedly but I see the
pleasure on her face from our kiss. I kiss her again. "Anything for you darlin. And I like her she's good with the kids."
"I love you Blake."
"I love you." I wrap my arm around her as we walk...

~ Okay so there's my first chapter. Do you think I should continue? Please comment and vote ~

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