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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in like FOREVER!!! I'm back now and I'll be updating regularly so yay! Hope you enjoy <3 and thank you all for the lovely comments!

Grace's POV~

I spend the rest of the day outside on the ranch. Kingston shows me around and talks about the different animals and responsibilities everyone has. Before I know it, hours and hours have passed by. We play a game of tag with the other boys laughing and playing like a normal family. We find tons of things to chat about and never seem to run out of things to do. Life on the ranch is exciting! After several hours Zuma and Apollo go back into the house.
"Come on!" King grabs my hand dragging me with him.
"Where we going?"
"Up there!" He points up at the barn roof.
The two of us climb to the top of the roof. The sun is just setting. I gasp in wonder and amazement.
I nod. "Wow it's incredible!"
"Dinner time!" Blake shouts from the house. King and I scramble off the roof and race inside...

After dinner the other kids play downstairs in the living room. Knowing that I need to leave soon I try to think up some excuse to be left alone for the rest of the night. "Um Gwen?"
"I'm not feeling well."
She looks worried. "Oh no, do you want me to give you some medicine?"
I shake my head. "I think I need to just lie down."
"Okay. If you need anything please let me know."
"I will." I begin to walk up the stairs but pause and run back to her. I wrap my arms around her. "Thanks by the way...for everything."
She hugs me back. "It was no trouble at all."
I walk, my footsteps heavy, up the stairs. When I reach my room, wait I mean the guest room because obviously I'm not staying so it's not mine. I shake my head trying to remember what I was supposed to be doing. Packing. I zip up my backpack and sit down on the bed. That was easy, I literally didn't bring hardly anything. I look down at the clothes I'm wearing and realize I can't bring them with me. They're Gwen's that she let me borrow since mine are all dirty and smell. Her jeans and shirt fit me perfectly...we're both petite. I fold the clothes up in a neat pile and leave them on the dresser as I put my old ones back on.

I stay up in "my room" for the rest of the evening until I hear the boys' footsteps running up the stairs as they head to their rooms for bedtime. Soon after, I hear Gwen and Blake. "Boys, you better have your PJs on before we tuck you in!"
"Mom I'm thirsty."
"You just drank a whole glass of water."
"Coming Pollo."

The boys finally settle down for the night. I touch my ear to the door to see if I can hear anyone still up. Someone's walking this way. It's probably Gwen. I tip toe over to the bed and sit down without making a sound as I wait for the knock. A few seconds later I hear the gentle tap on the bedroom door. "Grace, its me. I'm heading for bed, do you need anything?" Gwen asks.
"No I'm good. Thank you. Goodnight." I reply as casual as I can.
I can hear a small sadness in her voice. "Goodnight Grace."
As I listen to her walk away my heart sinks. I knew she wanted to come in and tuck me in and treat me like one of her own...but I'm not. I'm a burden and although she doesn't know that yet, I want to keep it that way. For her safety and mine...

I lay wide awake on the bed for hours until I finally get up and crack open the door. Silence. Everyone's asleep. It's time for me to go. I pick up my bag and quietly head downstairs, opening the front door with as much stealth as I can. The door opens and the cool air flows through my body. I shiver as the breeze hits my insides like ice. I have one hand gripping the door handle tightly not wanting to let go, not wanting to leave. But my other hand peels my other off as I quietly shut the door. Now that I'm alone again, I let the tears fall freely as I run...

Gwen's POV~

I wake up and look over at the spot next to me which is empty. Blake had to go into work early today. As I put on my robe my mind can't stop going back to last night. I've had an uneasy feeling ever since I said goodnight to Grace...I think she was hiding something. Okay well sure she's hiding something. She's got tons of secrets and I don't even know her that well. But the uneasy feeling won't go away. "Boys wake up!" I shout, knocking on their doors. A few groans and "no just 5 more minutes" follow. I knock on Grace's door. "Grace time to get up." No answer. "Grace?" I open the door. My eyes land on my
clothes neatly folded in a little pile on the dresser. She's gone...

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