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{A/N: explicit scenes and descriptive language, reader discretion advised. Enjoy.}

I couldn't sleep. Knowing he was beside me drove me crazy sometimes and I knew that he needed his sleep, but sometimes, primal urges fought out basic need.
I nuzzled against Ratchet's soft, bare fur and purred quietly, running my hands over his exposed stripes. He stirred only slightly in his sleep and nestled his head into the pillow deeper.
Clearly it'd take more than that to get his attention.
My hands wrapped around him and held his chest, pulling him closer and pressing my body against his. He became a bit uncomfortable with my arm under his ribs like that and slowly, his gorgeous green eyes blinked awake.
"Huh...?" He mumbled, his ears droopy and his pupils dilated in the darkness of the warm Veldin night.
"Hey~" i kissed his neck and let my hand slip down his side, resting at his hip. "I didn't want to wake you, im sorry.. You looked so peaceful and precious lying there, after all." I giggled quietly.
"What do you want?" He asked simply, his tiredness making him a bit grumpy.
I tried to ignore this, though sometimes it was a bit hard to push out biting comments. I knew he was just sleepy. I nuzzled his neck and resumed my soft purring, my hand slowly inching down his hip bones and threatening the waistband of his boxers, the only garment he currently wore to bed.
"I just couldn't sleep.." I murmured. "I need to get rid of all this excess energy.."
"What do you want me to do about it?" He blinked tiredly and yawned, showing those sharp canines and that wide tongue. As his eyes shut, he felt something that interrupted his yawn and he gasped. "aH-"
With my hand beneath his clothes and wrapped around his soft, sheathed length, he found himself a bit more awake.
" thats what you want, huh?" He chuckled, his face feeling hot and the fur on the back of his neck standing on end.
"Was i too straightforward?" I chuckled quietly.
"Not at all..." He rolled onto his back and i pulled back on his boxers, exposing him to the warm night air. He shifted a bit to allow me to slip them down to his knees and i laid back down beside him on my belly, giving him gentle kisses on the cheek. I could feel the smile growing on his face and he laughed quietly; that warm, adorable laugh i had always loved so.
"Mmm... You're so cute, Ratchet, did you know that?" I asked with a bit of a laugh. He shook his head with a knowing grin and raised his brows atop his half lidded expression.
"No... I never knew, you've never once told me."
I gently squeezed him below the belt again and that stopped his sarcasm in its tracks for sure. He closed his eyes and clenched his teeth, a warmth growing between us as he felt the blood rushing south. I thumbed carefully at his sheath for a while before his hardening length began to emerge.
"Well, hello, hello~" i licked my lips teasingly. His expression had turned to one of teasing flirtation to an almost nervous lip biting. "You alright~?" I giggled.
"Y-yeahh.. A-ah.. G-geez.." He swallowed hard and tried to keep his composure together. I eased up on him and rested my hand above, yet dangerously close to his growing hardness. "...I didn't say stop.." He mumbled, a sensuous smirk on his chops.
"Hmmm~" i hummed and leaned in to kiss his neck, my tongue licking at his warm fur and giving him a hot rush as i handled his warm balls in one hand. One of his hands hooked around my body gently and gripped at my back, his fingers digging into my fur. The other was rested on his stomach, trying to keep a cool composure about him.
"How's that?" I asked, kissing the underside of his jaw. He failed to respond as he had been touched into a trance. My thumb rubbed gently across them both and my other fingers manipulated them carefully against my palm. I peeked down at him to see that he was now almost fully hard and ready to go.
"Ohh, yeah you like that, i can tell." I grinned and turned his face towards mine, letting go of him and letting him ache for more. I pressed my lips to his and slowly turned my head, opening his mouth and infiltrating with my tongue; a shiver ran through my spine as his hot breath rolled across my cheeks and neck. He took some force and flipped me over onto my back, pinning one of my shoulders and using all the knowledge at his disposal to properly explore my mouth in return as i had done to him.
In a moment of weakness, i emitted what sounded like a quiet moan into the kiss, causing him to break it and leave us huffing gently, a thin string of saliva between us.
"I knew i could make you do that.." He wiped his mouth and rummaged through the bedside drawer for something important before sitting back and pushing up my tanktop, revealing my breasts to him. He kissed my nipples gently, his rough-ish, almost cat like tongue sending chills through my whole body. He of course took notice and kissed harder, a hand slipping into my panties and causing me to let out what sounded like a squeak of surprise.
"Yeah.. You know how it feels now, hm?" He teased. I rose a shaky hand to his face and thumbed his cheek as i gazed up into those enormous eyes of his.
"Ratchet...?" I whispered.
"Yeah, (y/n)?"
"...please take me.." I continued, an almost desperate tone beneath my voice. Of course i was desperate; i had woken him up in the middle of the night for this, i wanted him to do more than gently take me, i wanted him to ravage me, to show me how he liked it, i wanted him to give me everything he had.
"Well, if only because you said please.." He flicked his large brows and leaned down to close the gap between our lips, taking the condom he had grabbed from the drawer and fiddling with it as best he could with his eyes shut. He managed to get it open and slowly, slowly unrolled onto himself, almost agonizingly slow. I watched him essentially stroke himself before me and bit my fingertips, moaning beneath my breath almost so quietly he couldn't hear. Once he had had enough of his own touch, he got to his knees and stood me up on mine, holding his body against mine, pressing his hot length between us. I felt the fur on the end of my tail puff up and I gripped his shoulders tight.
He put one hand on my backside and let the other sneak further down, rubbing against my slick entrance carefully. My legs shivered and i leaned my head into his shoulder, if for no other reason than to hide my expression of pleasure from him. Despite knowing he liked this, i couldn't help but feel shy about my expressions.
"R-ratchet..." I mumbled into his neck as he squeezed gently at my backside. I swiped my tail over his hand and he let out another warm chuckle. His hand ventured further and rubbed ever so lightly at my clit, sending random waves of pleasure down through my inner thighs. I curled my toes a bit and kissed his cheek over an over, my ears dropping and my brows furrowing in pleasure. "Mmnnhh... more..." I managed to squeak out.
His large brows raised and he grinned widely. "Well...." He thought, grinding his hips against mine. "Maybe..." He slowly pulled his hand back along my labia, his fingers sliding over my wet, beckoning entrance. My fur stood up on end and i gripped his back.
"Come on, Ratchet, quit it!" I giggled and tensed, grinding against him right back. His eyes widened and he gasped quietly, his tail lifting.
"O-okay! Geez!" He laughed and laid me on my back, holding my thighs against his. "You better get ready.. You don't wake a galactic ranger in the middle of the night and expect to not feel somethin' from it.." He smirked. The look on his face sent a chill through my spine and i flicked my brows at him.
"Perfect." I whispered.
He teased my entrance with his warm extremity and i shivered again; he was a horribly incessant tease and i had to put up with it every time. Luckily for me, he was tired enough that he wanted to get to the point before he collapsed on top of me.
He nudged his hips against mine again and slowly slipped into me, my heart racing as he finally satisfied the need i so dearly craved. I sank into my pillow and moaned quietly, the fur along Ratchet's spine standing up from bottom to top.
"Aaaaahhhh... Mmm, that feels pretty good.." He sighed and licked my neck slowly.
"Ah-!" I jumped a bit and bucked my hips hard. "Ratchet~!!" I huffed and panted beneath him, unprepared for him to immediately start thrusting slowly. "F-fuck..." I put my hands over my eyes and my ears twitched as i listened for the pleasured sounds of my lombax lover.
I could hear quiet panting and small grunts and whispers of affection beneath his breath. He made little sounds each time his hips hit mine and they would sometimes be louder than before until finally, a sizeable moan escaped him.
"Oooaahhh... Yeah..." He huffed, shutting his eyes and enjoying the feeling. I peeked between my fingers and grinned, a hot flush over my face and up my ears.
"U-uhh... Ah- R-Ratchet, h...." I laughed nervously between breaths, having trouble getting my words out, "harder..." I moaned. His eyes widened, his mouth agape, and he bucked his hips against mine harder, grunting quietly.
"Ahhhh.. Ah, (y/n).... Mmmmnn you're so hot~" he licked his lips and leaned down, letting out a hot breath across my body. He closed his eyes and nuzzled his forehead against my chest, moving his hips and rocking his whole body back and forth. I put my hands on the back of his head and clutched his fur tight, leaning back and enjoying the warm, slick thrill of Ratchet's length.
There was a tingling sensation within me, rising up from the soles of my feet up my legs and down my back, gathering at my core. My breathing quickened, a bit shallow and uneven, as well as a bit loud.
"Ratchet!!" I moaned. "Oohh geez.. A-ah, yes, oh god I'm getting c-closer.." I opened my eyes and looked down at him as he turned up towards me, his tired, sexy smile taking me closer.
"Are you now?" He bit his lip. "Hmmm, let's take care of that, then.." He propped himself up on his hands and thrusted hard, my heart beating out of my chest as i felt the process double, bringing me closer and closer, the tingling sensation almost overwhelming me before-
"r-RatCHET!!!" I gasped and clutched harder at his fur, nearly pulling at his skin. My eyes fluttered shut and my gasps and breathy moans sent him to his edge. He wanted to watch me writhe beneath him in pleasure uninterrupted, but with the tight contractions around his sensitive length, he almost couldn't help being thrown over into ecstasy.
"Aahhh..a-aaaAahh! Ah, g-geez, oh man- oohhhh god here it- wooah ah- aH- AaaAAAAhhh!! (y/n)!!!!" He felt a hot wave shoot through him, and tensing his muscles and moaning loudly, arching his back and panting as we both began to come down from the immense elation we faced together. His shaky arms just about gave out beneath him and he laid atop me, panting heavily, ears back and his tail swishing contentedly.
"Ahh..... Ah, that was nice..." He chuckled.
"Mmm, you got that right." I huffed, a grin spread across my face. He looked up and kissed my lips softly, the exhaustion setting in very quickly. He sat upright slowly and pulled out carefully, taking off and disposing of the used contraceptive.
He flopped onto his side and let out a very long, happy sigh. He beckoned me closer with an adorable smile upon his face and i joined him, though our bodies felt hot against one another in the warm summer night.
"Goodnight, (y/n)..." He nuzzled into my neck and pulled his boxers back on as he got comfortable against me.
"Goodnight, Galactic Ranger~" i replied with a lilt in my voice.
We slept comfortably through the rest of the night, Grimroth none the wiser to our midnight fun.

{If you enjoyed this, let me know and ill write more! If  i do more ill just add parts to this story }

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