Flight Risk

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Ratchet and I hopped into his ship with our coordinates and took to the stars with our next objective in mind. The adrenaline rush from fighting alongside him and the excitement from getting what we needed was giving me goosebumps, making my fur rise all over.
"Alright, it'll be a few hours until we hit the next sector; setting up for FTL jump in 3...2..." he counted down and we blasted out of the sector on our way to find the next closest one. There was still a static buzz of excitement in the air and Aphelion was on autopilot until we reached the next sector. I looked over at him with a breathless smile and we locked eyes.
"That was fun!" I erupted joyously.
"Yeah it was! You'd be surprised just how heavy the resistance can get. When the battles get thick and you're deep in the action and the heat, the real rush just bursts up and overtakes your whole body and you find yourself blasting through them left and right!" He made gestures and spoke enthusiastically, a look of pride and excitement on his face. "It can be such a thrill!" He almost shouted. We both couldn't seem to contain our energy and he settled himself at the controls, a wide smile on his face as he was still catching his breath. I was sitting forward a bit and caught myself staring at him, infatuated as always with that smile.
"Hey.." I started, eyeing his whole form, "you did a really really good job out there today.." He turned his head, ears perking and nodded humbly.
"Hey thanks! You didn't do too badly, yourself." I caught the quick one over he did of my body and swallowed as the electric nerve I felt from the adrenaline buzzed it's way down south on my body.
I wanted to say something, but instead I kept things quiet and scooted closer, a hand on his seat. The warp drive was almost autopilot and he only needed to avoid bigger asteroid chunks that drifted in front of him.
"Have you ever considered yourself a good multitasker?" I asked innocently.
"I guess so, I mean, I can shoot and run at the same time, which is extremely hard." He prided himself mostly on his firearm skills. "Why?"
I smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek before pulling one hand of his off the steering wheel and slipping mine into the front of his uniform. He jumped a bit in surprise and rested his arm around my shoulders.
"Ah.. that's why.." he chuckled, giving me a smirk with that side eye. I kissed his neck a few times and eventually slowed, kissing more passionately against his fur and skin as my hand slowly descended and held the front of his boxers. He took in a deep breath and sighed, trying to keep himself, as well as Aphelion, under control.
I got into a slow, rhythmic licking on his skin, my hand working gentle circles against his warm body. I felt a giddy excitement prickling within me as an involuntary purr rose from the back of his throat. He tried to control it, cover it up, even talk over it, but I knew he was liking this. He cleared his throat and the purr continued, and as I could feel his hot length emerging from his sheath within his boxers, I slowly stroked along it to help him out.
He pressed back into his seat and closed his eyes momentarily, the field ahead looking clear.
"Aaahhh....f-ffhhh oh, yeah...." He huffed and his tail curled around my calf affectionately. My thumb pulled back his undergarments and i pushed down his pants to his thighs. His long, thick cock was fully out of his sheath, but it'd take a bit more to get him hard.
I took hold of it in my hand and felt lucky my small digits could wrap around it the whole way. I rubbed my thumb along his shaft and felt a subtle hardening from within as it became easier to hold and rub. He let out a shaky breath and I felt his body tensing each time I stroked him, his cock hardening under my influence.
"H..hahh.. th-that feels pretty nice.." He mumbled.
"Pretty nice, hm?" I scoffed. We could do better than pretty nice..
I reached down and took hold of his balls in my hand, rubbing them gently as I leaned down and covered the tip with my mouth, sucking him lightly and rubbing my tongue along the side, his little nubs creating a very interesting texture against my tongue. He jerked the controls and gasped loudly, legs tensing and the hand around my shoulders gripping hard at my armor.
"W-woah!! O-oh- ooohh man.." he panted and slicked his hand back over his head, holding down one ear and watching me slowly take more into my mouth, making sure my teeth didnt graze his sensitive skin. "God... mnhhh.... oh, (Y/N)..."
about a third of it fit in my mouth and I could do no more without risk, and pivoted my head to give him a slow, concentrated sucking and making sure my tongue pressed up against it the whole time. I pulled up and off of it, licking up along his shaft and kissed down the bottom on his hardened nubs. He moaned out again, almost unable to control his voice. I gave an open mouthed kiss at the base of his cock and turned it into a slow licking to make sure his whole length got the attention.
"Hhhahhhh... o-ohh man, yess... that's it... mnhh.. k-keep going, yeah..." He whispered, his eyes fluttering shut, as badly as he wanted to watch he couldn't seem to keep his eyes open and leaned his head back. He wanted to move his hips a bit but didn't want to cause any complications. He opened his eyes and his brows raised as he had to dodge an asteroid not more than a few meters away, just barely missing it. He sighed in relief and looked down at me where I was happily licking at his now oozing precum that dribbled down his shaft. He took in a deep breath and moaned out loud, his fur standing on end. "F-ffuuckk..." it was rare to hear him swear, but it almost felt exciting knowing he was at his most unfiltered. He put a hand on my head, petting my hair slowly. As I pleased him, my tail swayed slowly, happily. I loved making him happy, making him relax like this; it always felt good knowing I was responsible for that smile on his lips. My hand rose up to stroke the rest of him as my tongue worked his tip, moaning quietly against him.
I pulled back and looked up at him with a smile. "How's that?" I whispered in his ear while I continued rubbing his hardness.
"Mnhh...y-yeah....mmnhhh mm-hmmm...." he could barely form words, his eyes shut and his ears drooping in relaxation.
"Mm, good.." I purred and returned to his lap, giving him double what I was doing before, sucking hard and pressing my tongue against him, huffing out of my nostrils and hearing him moan out loud, breathlessly and shakily, his hand gripping at my fur and petting over my ear, not able to keep himself still. He became fidgety and kept having to straighten the wheel, worrying he might skid against debris or asteroids.
"Oh- o-oohh- oh man- oooh geez- hhahh- hah-" I could feel his body shaking and his tail brushing against my cheek. He was getting close.
I gave him my best, stroking his cock and sucking hard at his tip, humming happily as I licked his hot shaft. He nudged his hips, gasping and shaking as he tried to keep control of the wheel. "Mmmhhh~!!! (Y-Y/N!!!)" he cried out and I moved my head back, some saliva still on my lips hanging off his shaft. He held himself in his hand, cumming hard and gasping, the fluff on his tail expanding and his ears standing out straight. "Aaaahhhhh!!! Mnhh- oh, ooohhhh...." he bounced his leg as the energy drained from him quite literally. He panted heavily and sat back in his seat, eyes shut and whole body relaxed.
"Wow...mmmnhhhhh wow..." he whispered.
"Bet you never had that before.." I giggled. He laughed breathlessly and opened his eyes in my direction, obviously spent.
"Hell no... mmnn... that was.. wwoww..." he whispered, looking about for something to wipe off his glove. I found him some rags he had used while tweaking the ship and he made quick work of the mess, keeping the rags under his seat so Clank wouldn't find them later. "G-gotta say... i've always kinda wanted to do that..." he admitted.
"Me too.. though, if it were me flying the ship, we'd be dead." I joked with a lighthearted tone.
"Hmm, you asked if I could multitask, well, there you go." He sat up proudly.
"You sure can, damn.." i chuckled. "I'm gonna have to test those limits..." I purred.
"What does that mean?" His brows raised and he looked me over.
"I wonder how much you can handle while piloting this thing... can Aphelion take care of the simple dodging you've been doing?" I asked, realizing the ship had a slightly sentient AI and beginning to feel a bit shy.
"Auto-pilot sequence is engaged." She announced and I pressed my ears back nervously; this ship basically knew everything we just did. Inside of it. I shivered and tried to push the thought away.
"Well, that gives us a little bit of freedom, doesn't it?" I sat up and crawled into his lap, straddling his hips and pressing his softening cock against my front.
"Oh boy." His pupils shrank and he put his hands on my thighs. I unbuckled my belt and stood up on my knees to pull my pants off slowly, just down to my ankles so i could hover over his re-hardening cock.
"What do you say?" I whispered.
He eyed my exposed front, answering me by slipping a hand between my legs, rubbing me slowly. He couldn't feel it through his gloves, but I was pretty wet. I let out a shaky breath and relaxed my hips, which brought me down against his head, causing us both to gasp in surprise.
"O-oh geez- oops.." I laughed and covered my mouth. He smirked and held my hips, holding me up to make sure we were lined up before pulling me down onto his cock, gripping hard as the warmth and pleasure flooded over his body.
"Mmmnhhhhhffffffff yeah..." he murmured, eyes shut and brows furrowed. "Y-yeahhh...." he huffed shakily and moved his hips while helping me pivot myself up and down. I tried to keep my breathing steady and my body under control; taking that whole thing, especially in this position, wasn't easy.
The nubs along his cock felt absolutely amazing as they rubbed in and out of me.. each time they slipped in and out of my entrance, it felt like a tingling shot through my body. I couldn't feel it as much inside of me, but right at the front was where it counted. The rest at his base on what was practically a small knot rubbed against my clit, making me squirm and whine.
"Raaatcchheeeettt...." I looked into his green eyes and sped up, though this took a lot of effort and energy out of me. However, at the rate I was feeling, I wouldn't need to go much longer.
"Come on baby... c'mon..." he whispered while he watched our bodies make contact over and over, my hips bouncing on his, the rhythmic fucking of my handsome hero sending us into almost a trance before it snuck up on me in mere moments.
"Woah-  woah!! Woahhhh oh, oh, Ratchet!!!" I cried out, leaning forward and hugging him tight as he gripped my backside, pulling me down onto him and huffing against my neck, letting out suppressed moans as my insides contracted around him.
"Oh man...o-oohhhhhh yeah..." He rode it out with me for a short time until it had just about stopped. "That felt nice, huh?" He asked with a gentle kiss to the cheek.
I couldnt seem to verbally answer; i was too busy catching my breath and cuddling his hot neck.
"That's what I thought~" he pet my head for a while and let me relax in his arms for a while before letting me sit back in my own seat; we had passed more time than we thought on our way to the next galaxy. He knew that at least now he knew how to pass the time on future trips.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2017 ⏰

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