Chapter 18

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Her gloves are now placed where it should be. Her glare never failed to intimidate her opponent but it only made the Uchiha flinched a bit.

Though he replied with the same intensity.

Sasuke grabbed his katana and lunged with his speed. It was fast but nothing Sakura couldn't keep.

She moved to her left side. She had barely dodged the attack. A little gash of wound was on her arms.

Sakura growled. She aimed a chakra laced punch at the raven but he shunshinned right away.

And he dissapeared from her sight.

Her eyes moves everywhere as she scanned the training grounds to spot the Uchiha's chakra.

Much to her dismay, he hide it well.

She couldn't pinpoint his current location and it was getting annoying.

'He really does love hide and seek'

She moved her head to check on her back.

And she saw an Uchiha lung at her with his sharingan on.

She didn't dodge it.

Her back hit the tree with the raven choking her. His grip around her neck was tightened every moving second.

"You giving up yet?" He asked.

"As if. Never let someone deceive you" she smirked.

Sasuke's brows were furrowed.

"Shannaroooo!" It came from behind him.

'A clone??? When?' He managed to thought before he cupped his cheeks in pain from the punch she had given him.

"We are not over Uchiha. Give me all you've got" she smirked.

And Sasuke growled.


Zetsu watched the battle with slight interest on the two former teammates.

He had been there when Sasuke first challenged her because he was in his garden watering his plants.

He didn't have any idea hiw he was currently watching the battle.

From watering plants to watching this battle. He didn't know how.

The Uchiha was somewhat interested in the pinkette. And he thought Uchiha's never show that their interested.

Well, they do have Itachi in their ranks. Of course he knew some of the traits.

But the battle was getting deadlier. Both of them were fighting with a kill intent that is quite big.

There is a chance that they would die. And if Sakura dies, who can be their medic? She is afterall, Tsunade's apprentice. There is no doubt that she'll surpass her one day.

He slowly sunk to the ground.

Not long after that. He was in Pein's office.

"What is it you need Zetsu?" Pein asked not looking up from all the paperworks he would like to burn.

"Uchiha and Haruno are in battle" he said bluntly.

"And that is quite normal is it not?"

"They are aiming with kill intent. Chances of both of them dying are increasing as we speak"

Pein stopped writing and took a moment to stare at him.

"So what are you implying?"

"We might lose our medic. There is no one we could recruit if Sakura dies. She is one of the best medics out there" Zetsu explained.

Pein held a confused face. Zetsu never showed this much care to anyone except for his plants.

"Zetsu. Are you caring?"

White Zetsu replied with a 'no' and he stuttered.

'What the fuck Zetsu' Pein thought.

Zetsu on the other hand, was silent. He really didn't know what has gotten into him. Never had he cared like this towards anyone. He had to admit, it was creeping him out.

Zetsu was busy with his thoughts, he didn't even realise Pein was no longer in the office.


Sakura readied herself to aim a punch that is sure to kill anyone with its touch.

Sasuke on the other hand was already performing series of handsigns for Chidori.

The intense gaze was yet to be broken and both of them lunged for each other.

They used all of their remaining chakra for this last aim.

Both wanted to win so badly and both of them wanted to prove that they were right.

Sakura wanted to prove that she's changed and was already strong enough to take him down.

The raven however, wanted to prove her claims to be false.

They were inches away from killing each other.

But Pein had stopped them.

He had apparently drained their chakras so that the attack is canceled.

And both of them fell down.

"Damn you Pein" Sakura growled before she fainted.

"I was so close" Sasuke muttered.

Pein sighed. He might be able to stop this one, but nothing's stopping them from having a rematch when he's not around.

Possibly with even more kill intents.

"Pein sama" Zetsu greeted.

"Aahh, Zetsu. Carry the Uchiha to his room. And please call Kakuzu to aid him. That would be all"

"And Sakura?"

"I'll carry her to her room" he said as he carried her bridal style.

"Roger that" and Zetsu sunked into the ground.

"Hn" he muttered before slowly walking into the base.

Aaawwwe! I didnt know Pein could be such a sweeheart!

Pein: You made me do this.

Me: Oh shut up. I know you're jealous cuz you're not as fab as me *flips hair*

Pein: *gasps* I AM THE MOST FAB.

Me: Nevah bitch.

Anyways, thoughts about todays chapter? I really dunno how to put a fight and an exciting one. Plus, I really dunno how to describe em.

So pls forgive meh :'D.

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